Werner Wenzel (entrepreneur)

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Werner Wenzel (born April 1, 1937 in Heigenbrücken ; † May 22, 2006 ) was a German entrepreneur.


Werner Wenzel completed his master mechanic examination at the age of 22 and joined a measuring tool manufacturer in 1958 in Aschaffenburg as operations manager. In 1968, in addition to his “private house in Wiesthal, Wenzel founded his own company and initially produced test equipment and measuring tools with three employees”. In 1990 the company already had 130 employees and in 2000 this number rose to 265 employees. The family company operates today as the Wenzel Group GmbH & Co. KG . "In the last few years, Wenzel has developed from a medium-sized company into a global group with more than 630 employees".


In two places, Heigenbrücken and Wiesthal , which formed the focus of his activity, a street was named after him. In 1993 he received the Bavarian State Prize for Innovative Development and in 2002 the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Gimmler: Global Player Tief im Spessart Main Post from August 20, 2013, accessed on August 11, 2020.
  2. Gerhard Maier: Wenzel Group sets the course for a new NC production from July 3, 2018, accessed on August 11, 2020.
  3. Werner-Wenzel-Straße onlinestreet.de
  4. ^ Mourning at the Wenzel Group Main Post from May 23, 2006, accessed on August 11, 2020