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Under WiBe (economic considerations) a method for assessing which is economy of investment (primary IT investments) understood within the federal. The basis for carrying out the economic feasibility study is currently that provided by the Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology ( CIO Bund ).


The public administration should act economically when performing its tasks. The use of the WiBe enables an economic analysis of investment projects within the federal administration. In addition, different investment projects can be compared with one another. The WiBe process is based on the following principles:

  • Standardization of the procedure for considering the profitability of investment projects (especially IT investments)
  • Recording of all deposits and withdrawals associated with the investment
  • Timely allocation of all payment flows
  • Particularly suitable for projects in the public sector
  • Consideration of risks
  • Presentation of monetary and non-monetary criteria
  • Evaluability of different alternatives
  • Adaptability to project types and sizes


The WiBe is a methodological and content-related aid for the project manager and is intended to provide well-founded and comprehensible statements about the profitability of (IT) investments. It provides a uniform methodological framework for determining the economic viability in the entire federal administration and is intended to stimulate the optimization of the method for economic feasibility studies.


The procedure differentiates quantitative and qualitative criteria for evaluating an investment project. In a cost and benefit analysis, the monetary advantages are determined based on the net present value method. By including risk surcharges, uncertainties can easily be taken into account. With the help of a utility analysis , in addition to the monetary advantages, the qualitative effects of the investment project are assessed.

Legal basis

According to Section 7 of the Federal Budget Code (BHO), institutions at the federal level must observe economy and efficiency in their budget management. In addition, appropriate profitability studies should be carried out for all financial measures. This is specified in the administrative regulations for Section 7 BHO. For investments of considerable financial importance (more than 50,000 €), financial mathematical procedures are prescribed, which means the dynamic net present value method.


1992 - WiBe 1.0

Due to the increasing financial requirements, the federal administration has to rely more on IT systems. Since the deployment decision must be made depending on the principle of economic efficiency, a concept for the economic efficiency analysis of IT projects is developed. At the same time, the process is being integrated into a software tool for Microsoft Excel (IT-WiBe 1.0).

1997 - WiBe 2.0

The concept is gaining increasing acceptance within the federal administration. A new software solution (IT-WiBe 2.0) appears as an independent 32-bit program.

2001 - WiBe 3.0

After a revision, the software appears under the name WiBe21 (IT-WiBe 3.0). In comparison to the technical concept from 1997, hardly any changes are made.

2004 - WiBe 4.0

The content of the technical concept will be further developed and supplemented. The software is being newly developed platform-independent and published as open source (IT-WiBe 4.0).

2007 - WiBe 4.1

Adaptation of the "manufacturer independence" criterion (WiBe Q). Editorial adjustments due to the newly developed software WiBe 4.0-2005. The references to the previous software WiBe 21 have been changed accordingly. Extension by a special catalog of criteria for migration measures in the appendix.

2009 - WiBe calculator 1.0.1

The BIT publishes version 1.0.1 of the WiBe calculator and strives to remove the absolute one-to-one relationship to the version number of the WiBe technical concept.

2014 - WiBe 5.0

Thorough revision of the WiBe criteria catalog; in particular tightening of the monetary criteria and deletion of the qualitative criteria catalog WiBe D (urgency of replacement of the old system). Reason: The urgency of replacing the old system should be made within the framework of the justification for the need for action. If there is a justifiable need for action, the profitability analysis should focus on the effects of the new system.

2016 - WiBe calculator 1.1.3

The ITZBund made version 1.1.3 available free of charge in May 2016.

Structure of the WiBe 4.0


The procedure is divided into four time-based versions in order to be able to accompany and evaluate the investment project from planning to success control. The subdivision achieves an investigation similar to ongoing quality management. Each additional version concretizes the previous investigation (version).

WiBe target system

Planning phase:

  • Version 1 - rough concept
  • Version 2 - detailed concept

Realization phase:

  • Version 3 - testing and acceptance

Deployment phase:

  • Version 4 - introduction and operation


The WiBe is divided into several modules with which the quantitative and qualitative criteria are assessed. In the module "WiBe KN - Costs and Benefits" , the monetary benefits of the investment are determined. In this module, uncertainties in the form of risk surcharges can also be taken into account ( "WiBe KN / R" ). Qualitative criteria are assessed in the modules "WiBe D - Urgency Criteria " , "WiBe Q - Qualitative-Strategic Criteria" and "WiBe E - External Effects" . The "general criteria catalog " provided in the WiBe has been adapted to the evaluation of IT investments and is roughly presented below. Other criteria catalogs for other (not IT) investments can be developed individually.

WiBe target system
WiBe KN / R

Development costs and development benefits

  • Development costs for the new IT measure
  • Development benefit from replacing the old process

Operating costs and benefits

  • Ongoing material costs / material cost savings
  • Ongoing staff costs / staff cost savings
  • Ongoing costs / savings in maintenance / system care
  • Other ongoing costs and savings
WiBe D
  • Urgency to replace the old system
  • Compliance with administrative regulations and laws
WiBe Q
  • Priority of the IT measure
  • Quality increase in the completion of specialist tasks
  • Information control at the administrative-political level
  • Employee-related effects
WiBe E
  • Relief urgency from the perspective of the external customer
  • Ease of use from the customer's point of view
  • External economic effects
  • Quality and performance improvements
  • Synergies


  • Peter Röthig, Knut Bergmann, Christian Müller: WiBe 4.0 recommendation for carrying out profitability studies in the federal administration, especially when using IT , Federal Ministry of the Interior (KBSt), KBSt series of publications, ISSN  0179-7263 , volume 68

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. WiBe 5.0 Concept for carrying out profitability studies in the federal administration, especially when using IT
  2. Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bva.bund.de
  3. https://www.cio.bund.de/Web/DE/Architekturen-und-Standards/Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen/Software/software_node.html