Jerk off

Wichs is the official name for the traditional festive clothing , which is worn by the charged or possibly other members of student corporations . The term uniform is also used, although this has no military reference. It is not a uniform clothing of the respective corporation, but only identifies those charged.
The word "jerk" originated in the 18th century as a regression from jerking off (polishing, cleaning bare) with the general meaning "festive clothing".
Different types
A distinction is made between full wiches, half wiches and festive wounds:
- The Vollwichs is worn for larger public events (university celebrations, association celebrations, foundation celebrations , weddings and funerals)
- The half wich replaces the full wich at smaller events, but is not a casual form of the full wich.
- The Festwich is worn on balls for charging .
The Vollwichs consists of a cerevis or a beret with a long feather as headgear, the pekesche , also called flaus , as a jacket, white gloves , white, tight-fitting trousers (jacks), riding boots with or without spurs (also called cannons) and a parade racket . A wide sash in the connecting colors is worn across the chest . In addition, with some corporations, the fishing line is part of the batch wich.
Half wicks
The Halbwichs (also Räuberwichs) consists of black pants and black shoes. Pekesche, Cerevis and white gloves. You are not allowed to run around in the half-wich.
Salon wicks
The Salonwichs consists of a black suit, cerevis, white gloves and a sash.

The Festwichs consists of tailcoat, white gloves and cerevis. A thinner version of the ribbon (the so-called sparkling wine ribbon) is worn across.
See also
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c d e f The customs of the Weinheim Senior Citizens' Convention Part 1, the bar, historical commission of WVAC e. V., Braunschweig 1987, page 57ff.
- ↑ a b Couleurstudentische Informations Heiko Jacobs v / Mueck, Karlsruhe, ( Glossary of student terms . Accessed on July 8, 2010.)
- ↑ a b 'Anti': Jerk off. In: MarkomannenWiki. KStV Markomannia Münster, March 25, 2007, accessed on October 31, 2018 .