Viktor Sydorenko

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Viktor Dmytrowytsch Sydorenko ( Ukrainian Віктор Дмитрович Сидоренко ; born December 31, 1953 in Taldyqorghan , Kazakh SSR ) lives and works as an artist in Ukraine . There he is a member of the Association of Ukrainian Artists and a lecturer at the Academy of Arts of Ukraine .


1974-1979 he graduated from the applied arts studies of the Kharkiv Institute. 1979–1985 he worked as an assistant professor at the Kharkiv Institute of Applied Arts. 1985–1988 he made a dissertation in the field of artistic studies at the Art Academy of the USSR . In 2003 he took part in the 50th Venice Biennale .


Born in Kazakhstan in 1953, he completed a traditional education in painting at the Kharkiv Institute of Applied Arts (Professor BW Kosarev) and later at the Academy of Arts of the USSR and experienced a far-reaching development of the various transition periods of Ukrainian art.

His works can be seen as mediators between modern and contemporary art, moving on the tense line between the two periods and finding a transition that makes the present in its immense tension accessible. During his artistic work he is professor at the Institute of Applied Arts in Kharkiv and in 2001 he founded the Modern Research Institute of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine and has also been professor at the Kharkiv Academy of Art and Design since 2002.

The personal work is constantly linked to official projects, a way of working that also reflects the philosophical point of view of his works. Sidorenko's works are largely dedicated to the coexistence of society and the individual, but they also deal with the general structures and mechanisms that influence and determine people in their lives, consciously and unconsciously, without being able to evade them. The most important part of his work "Millstones of time", which received exceptional recognition at the Venice Biennale in 2003, is the process of the work itself. With this work he has created a multi-layered work that connects all visual media with one another and enables the process of time in human life to be made clear.

Curatorial project

  • 2003: Millstone of Time , Ukrainian project at the 50th Venice Biennale
  • 2002: Art of Ukraine , Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
  • 2005, 2002, 2000: New Directions , Kiev, Ukraine
  • 2002, 1999: Triennale of Sculpture, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 2004, 2001, 1998: Triennale of Painting, Kiev, Ukraine


Scientific papers

  • Вдосконалювати художній процес (To improve an art process) // Образотворче мистецтво (Visual art). 1987. № 5;
  • На переломі (On crisis) // Образотворче мистецтво (Visual art). 1988. № 2;
  • Проникнення в таємницю вічності (The penetration into the secret of eternity) // Образотворче мистецтво (Visual art). 1994. № 2;
  • Венеціанські Бієнале і проблеми сучасного мистецтва в Україні. (The Venetian Biennials and modern art problems in Ukraine) В зб .: Сучасне мистецтво (Modern Art). Вип. 1. К., 2004;
  • Непосредственность восприятия (The spontaneity of perception) // Понедельник (The Monday). 2004. №14;
  • Мистецьке одкровення Харкова. (The creative revelation of Kharkov) В зб .: Сучасне мистецтво ((Modern Art)). Вип. 3. К., 2006;
  • Візуальне мистецтво від авангардних зрушень до новітніх спрямувань. (The visual art from vanguard shifts to the newest directions) К., 2008. (The monographic research);
  • FIAC 08: погляд зблизька (FIAC 08: Sight at a short distance) // Курсив (The italics). - 2009. - №2.


  • 2007: Travers Video , X. International Video Festival, Toulouse, France
  • 2006: Amnesia , Bereznitsky Gallery, Berlin
  • 2006: Eastern Neighbors , International Art Festival, Kulturzentrum Babel, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 2005: Now , V. International Art Festival, Magdeburg, Germany,
  • 2004: Faster than History , Museum of Contemporary Art KIASMA, Helsinki, Finland
  • 2003: Blood Lines and Connections , Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, USA
  • 2002: Art of Ukraine , Beijing, China


  • Н.Мусієнко. Аутентифікація - крок до само ідентифікації (N. Musienko. Authentification - a step to self-identification) // Курсив (The italics). №2. 2009.
  • Н.Булавіна. Футурама Віктора Сидоренка (N. Bulavina. The futurama of Victor Sydorenko) // Fine Arts. №1. 2009.
  • О.Tарасенко. На границе двух реальностей (O. Tarassenko. On the border of two realities) // Ukrainian Art Today. К. 2008.
  • Olivier Jean. Millstones of Time. Traverse video 2007. La Re-visite. 2007. Toulouse.
  • Eastern Neighbors. Utrecht. 2006.
  • Millstones of Time Faster than History. Contemporary Perspectives on the Future of Art in the Baltic Countries, Finland, Russia. Helsinki. «KIASMA». 2004.
  • О.Сидор-Гибелинда. Творимая легенда (O. Sidor-Guibelinda. The legend which is being created) // Политик-Hall (Politic-hall). 2004.
  • Elaine W. Ng. The 50th Venice Biennale. Leonardo reviews. 2003.
  • Michael Kimmelman. Cramming It All In at the Venice Biennale // The New York Times. 2003.
  • Паралійський Є. Художні серії про наше життя (E. Paraliyskiy. Art series about our life) // Літературна Україна (Literary Ukrain). 1998.
  • From Red to yellow and blue , Ludmila Bereznitsky, Kiev, 2004
  • Perscha Konnektija , Kiev, 2003

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