Viktor Mejerowitsch Polterowitsch

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Wiktor Mejerowitsch Polterowitsch , Russian Виктор Меерович Полтерович , English transcription Victor Meerovich Polterovich, (born December 27, 1937 in Moscow ) is a Russian economist and mathematician.


Polterovich graduated from Gubkin University for Petroleum and Gas in 1962 and then went to the Institute for Automation of the Oil and Gas Industry. He also studied mathematics at Lomonossow University with a diploma in 1966. At the invitation of Aron Iossifowitsch Kazenelinboigen , he went to the Central Institute for Mathematical Economics (CEMI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1966, where he received his doctorate in mathematics in 1971 and in economics in 1991 habilitated (Russian doctorate) and laboratory manager. He also taught at the New Economic School in Moscow (NES) from 1993 and at Lomonosov University from 1994.

In 1991 he was visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania .

He is known for his contributions to the general equilibrium model and mathematical economics, and in particular for the concept of institutional traps in institutional economics . By this he understands inefficient but stable ( Pareto-Optimum ) conventional behavioral norms (such as black markets, corruption, barter, late payment).

From 1985 to 2009 he was on the editorial board of the Journal of Mathematical Economics and from 1989 to 1995 he was co-editor of Econometrica . In 1992 he received the Kondratiev Prize and in 1999 the Kantorovich Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1989 he became a Fellow of the Econometric Society and in 1991 he gave the Walras-Bowley Lecture.

He has been a member of Academia Europaea since 1992 and was a corresponding member since 2000 and has been a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2003.


  • A model of the redistribution of resources (Russian), Economics and Mathematical Methods (EMM), Volume 6, 1970, 583-593 (English translation: A Model of Resource Redistribution, Matekon, Volume 7, 1971, 245-262)
  • Economic Equilibrium and Optimum (Russian), EMM, Volume 9, 1973, 838-845 (English translation: Economic Equilibrium and Optimum, Matekon 1973)
  • with L. Mitjushin: A criterion for the motonicity of demand functions (Russian), EMM, Volume 14, 1978
  • with VA Spivak: Gross substitutability of point-to-set correspondences , Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 11, 1983, pp. 117-140.
  • Equilibrium Trajectories of Economic Growth , Econometrica, Volume 51, 1983, pp. 693-730
  • Economic Equilibrium under Flexible Rationing (Russian), Kibernetika 1986 (English translation: Economic Equilibrium under Flexible Rationing, Cybernetics 1986)
  • Equilibrated States and Optimal Allocations of Resources under Rigid Prices , Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 19, 1990, pp. 255-268
  • Economic equilibrium and economic mechanisms (Russian), Moscow, Nauka 1990
  • Economic Reform in Russia in 1992: The Government Battles Labor Collectives , Journal of International and Comparative Economics, Volume 4, 1995, pp. 265–287
  • Towards the Theory of Privatization , Working Paper WP / 96/001, CEMI, 1996; * Transitional Recession in Russia (Russian), EMM, Volume 32, 1996, pp. 54–69
  • Factors of Corruption (Russian), EMM, Volume 34, 1998, pp. 30-39
  • with Gennadi Henkin: A difference-differential analogue of the Burgers equation and some models of economic development , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Volume 5, 1999, pp. 697-728
  • Institutional Traps , in: Lawrence R. Klein , Marshall Pomer (Eds.), The new Russia: Transition Gone Awry, Stanford University Press 2001, 93-116
  • Rationing, Queues, and Black Markets , Econometrica, Volume 61, 1993, pp. 1-28
  • with Gennadi Henkin : Schumpeterian dynamics as a non-linear wave theory , Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 20, 1991, pp. 551-590
  • Institutional Traps: Is There a Way Out?, Social Sciences, Volume 36, 2005, pp. 30-40
  • Evolutionary Theory of Economics (Russian), 2 parts, Voprosy Economiki, No. 7, 2006, pp. 4–23, No. 8, 2006, pp. 46–64
  • with V. Popov: Elements of the theory of reform (Russian), Moscow: Ekonomika 2007


  • Ivan Boldyrev, Olessia Kirtchik: General Equilibrium Theory behind the Iron Curtain: The Case of Victor Polterovich , History of Political Economy, Volume 46, 2014, pp. 435–461.

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