Wilhelm Henne

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Theodor Wilhelm Conrad Henne (* 1842 in Hamburg ; † August 5, 1883 there ) was a German theater actor and director .


Henne, son of the gardener Conrad Justus Christian Henne, worked as a hero and humorous father at the Belle Alliance Theater from 1870 to 1874, at the Braunschweiger Hoftheater from 1874 to 1875, at the Hamburg Thaliatheater from 1875 to 1878 and enjoys a good reputation in the world of actors.

In 1879 he took over the management of the Central Theater and named it Henne Theater . In his opinion, the stage should become a serious theater. But it failed after a year.

Bruno Henne was his student.


Individual evidence

  1. Death register StA Hamburg 2, No. 2486/1883
  2. ^ Place of death in the WeGA
  3. Gerhard Wahnrau: Berlin. City of theaters. The Chronicle I. Part. Berlin 1957, p. 524.
  4. Horst Windelboth: "Small Temple of the Muses in the Alte Jacobstrasse." About the Berlin Central Theater. In: The Bear of Berlin. Volume 6, 1956, pp. 86-107.
  5. ^ Nic Leonhardt: Pictorial dramaturgy. Visual culture and theater in the 19th century (1869–1899). Bielefeld 2007, p. 243 f.