Wilhelm I (Weimar)

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Wilhelm I , Count of Weimar († April 16, 963 ) is the first known member of the Weimar Count House . There is evidence that he belongs to the group of relatives around the Thuringian great Meginwarch . He is referred to in 949 as Graf in Südthüringgau , 958 as Graf in Husitingau and 961 as Graf in Helmegau and Altgau . It is given the name potestas praefectoria .

In the years 953 to 955 he took part in an uprising of the Wettins against the Liudolfinger . He was deposed and banished in 953, but was reinstated in his offices in 956.

William I was probably a daughter of the Marquis Poppo (II.) Of Sorbenmark from the family of Frankish Babenberger married.

He had at least three children:

  • Wilhelm II , called the Great, † December 14, 1003, Duke of Thuringia
  • Poppo
  • Sigbert

Web links


  • Helmut Hennig: The Counts of Orlamünde - an (almost) forgotten family . G. Arzberger, 2016, ISBN 978-3-927313-77-4 , p. 106 .
  • Karl HFC von Reitzenstein: Regests of the Counts of Orlamuende from Babenberger and Ascan tribe: with family tables, seal images, monuments and coats of arms . Bayreuth 1871 ( digitized from ThULB Jena ).