Wilhelm Nedelmann

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Wilhelm Nedelmann
Family grave at the Ostfriedhof Essen

Wilhelm Nedelmann , full name Johann Wilhelm Georg Nedelmann , (born December 19, 1785 in Essen ; † August 21, 1862 ibid) was a German businessman, city councilor and founder of the Essen Music Association, from which today's Essen Philharmonic Choir emerged.

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Wilhelm Nedelmann, son of the businessman Johann Wilhelm Christoph Nedelmann (* around 1750) and his wife Johanna Elisabeth Christina nee Wilhelmi (* 1759), baptized Protestant, also learned the trade of a businessman after attending school. After his marriage to Johanna Christina Friederike Ascherfeld on August 28, 1807, he founded a manufactory shop in the house of his father-in-law on Flachsmarkt in Essen. His son Ernst Theodor Nedelmann (1818–1888) also became a businessman.

Wilhelm Nedelmann was a representative of the Essen citizenship from 1806 to 1808 and then a municipal councilor until the Prussian occupation in 1813 . In 1826, and again from 1842 to 1847, he was a city councilor in Essen.

In his early years Nedelmann received organ lessons from the organist at the Essen Minster and was taught counterpoint . In 1809 he appeared as a violinist at a public violin concert. In 1814 he was Kapellmeister of Janissary Music . From 1826 to 1835 he worked part-time as a singing teacher at the Burggymnasium . Around 1830 he founded the first male choir association in Essen and a little later the first instrumental association. On February 1, 1838, he founded the mixed singing music association, which later became the Essen music association. In 1899 the city provided the vocal ensemble with an appropriate orchestra and established the office of city music director for the choir director Georg Hendrik Witte , which is considered to be the birth of today's Essen Philharmonic . The Essen Music Association still exists as a philharmonic choir today. Nedelmann was a conductor and musical director in his music association. He also composed songs for the youth, miner's songs, the German song wreath, a symphony and an overture. Through his friend, the Essen publisher Karl Baedeker , Nedelmann's sheet music and compositions were printed and sold as part of the publishing business. In 1855 Wilhelm Nedelmann resigned from his activities for reasons of age and health. He is considered the father of musical life in Essen and male singing.

Wilhelm Nedelmann was buried in the cemetery at Kettwiger Tor . After its closure in 1955, the grave was moved to the Ostfriedhof Essen .


  • Franz Feldens: Johann Wilh. Georg Nedelmann . In: Music and musicians in the city of Essen . Bacmeister's National Verlag, Essen 1936, p. 181 ff .
  • Erwin Dickhoff: Essen heads. Ed .: City of Essen, Historical Association for the City and Abbey of Essen. Klartext, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 , p. 259 .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heidermann's Genealogy ; Retrieved July 5, 2016