Wilhelm Ponndorf

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Wilhelm Ponndorf (born December 30, 1864 , † 1949 ) was a German medic.


Wilhelm Hermann Friedrich Ponndorf was born on December 30, 1864. He was married and his son Eberhard Ponndorf was born on August 5, 1897 in Weimar.


After studying medicine, Ponndorf obtained a doctorate in medicine. med. with the dissertation on myxedema . It was published by Frommann Verlag , Stuttgart , in 1889 .

He then went to Weimar as a general practitioner in 1890 , where he was also an assistant at the state lymphatic institute, which was engaged in the research and production of animal lymph . He was accepted into the civil service - initially as a medical advisor . From 1908 he was its (medical?) Director (presumably with the rank of medical director) and around 1909 he was also awarded the title of medical councilor . He remained in this position until his retirement around 1929. The government and medical councilor Gotthard von Einsiedel (1869–1928), who worked there as head , was probably responsible for the administrative area before he moved to the Ministry of Economics in 1922.


A main area of ​​interest of Ponndorf was initially the fight against tuberculosis with the tuberculin therapy propagated by him through the percutaneous application by scarification of the skin at the vaccination site, which became known as the Ponndorf vaccination.

The vaccination was used by general practitioners and in (lung) sanatoriums, especially in the 1920s, although its effectiveness has been doubted by many medical professionals. Proponents rejected the critics with the argument that the treatment time in mental hospitals was too short. Apparently, however, it became increasingly clear that the Ponndorf vaccination in TB is neither useful for prevention nor for cure. In contrast to the BCG live vaccination introduced in 1928 , which only expired in 1998 due to its uncertain effect, it is no longer even mentioned in a historical review of tuberculosis .

Another area of ​​his work was the treatment he introduced with a skin vaccine developed from his TB vaccine to strengthen the immune system in general. But also special diseases, such as He hoped to be able to successfully treat rheumatism and asthma , for example. A cocktail of proteins obtained from streptococci , staphylococci , pneumococci and cold bacteria was added to the TB vaccine . It was produced in Sächsisches Serumwerk AG, Dresden , founded by Karl August Lingner in 1911 . This area of ​​application is still described positively in naturopathic and homeopathic medicine today .

Wooden packaging for ampoules of the skin vaccine to strengthen the immune system according to Dr. med. Wilhelm Ponndorf. Manufacturer: Sächsisches Serumwerk AG, Dresden around 1948

However, there are apparently no strictly scientific studies on the effectiveness of the vaccine serum used. In children, this “Ponndorf's scratch vaccination” carried out by many general practitioners was feared until the 1950s because it was associated with a planar incision of the skin on the deltoid muscle and was repeated several times. However, it must not be confused with the use of the tuberculin test for screening tests for TB detection in schools of the time.


  • About myxedema. Inaugural dissertation. Frommann Verlag, Stuttgart 1889.
  • The cure of tuberculosis and its mixed infections (scrofula, rheumatism, Graves disease, etc.) through cutan vaccination. Self-publishing house, Weimar 1921, DNB 126658250 . (2nd verm. And verb. Edition. Verlag FCW Vogel, Leipzig 1923)

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander von Siebold: The diaries. (= Acta Sieboldiana VII; = publications of the East Asia Institute of the Ruhr University Bochum, Volume 33). Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1999, ISBN 3-447-04145-5 , p. 500: Note on the Weimar Lymphanstalt, January 15, 1898.
  2. Muschter: On the use of Ponndorf's tuberculin treatment in dermatology. In: Dermatological Journal . 1917, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 451-470, doi : 10.1159 / 000247048 .
  3. Hermann Hensen: About the effect of cutaneous tuberculin vaccinations according to Ponndorf on scrofulous and tuberculous eye diseases. In: Journal of Ophthalmology. 1919, Vol. 42, No. 4-5, pp. 221-226, doi : 10.1159 / 000294564 .
  4. Hans Koopmann: The Ponndorf vaccination, which is graduated as a percentage. In: Münch. Medicine. Weekly. 1921, No. 7, p. 205.
  5. Alfred Strauss: About the Ponndorf vaccination with special consideration of their abnormal reactions. Broschek & Co., 1921.
  6. ^ E. Hassencamp: The Ponndorf vaccination. In: Dtsch. med. Weekly 1923, Vol. 49, No. 31, pp. 1010-1011, doi : 10.1055 / s-0028-1132313 .
  7. G. Liesche: Experiences with Ponndorfsch skin vaccination. In: Dtsch. med. Weekly 1923; 49 (19), pp. 606-608, doi : 10.1055 / s-0028-1132093 .
  8. Julius Fürbringer: For the evaluation of Ponndorf's cutane treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with Altturberkulin. In: Contributions to the clinic of tuberculosis and specific tuberculosis research. 1924, Vol. 57, Ed. 3, pp. 302-326.
  9. Marie-Luise Kruse: Clinical experience with the Ponndorf vaccination for tuberculosis. JF Lehmann publisher, 1927.
  10. W. Gruger: asthma therapy after Wilhelm Ponndorf. 1956, PMID 13339681 .
  11. La cutivaccine  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / profshadocko.over-blog.com  
  12. Susanne Krieger: Pathology textbook for alternative practitioners, reference work with therapy information. Cape. 1, selection of naturopathic therapy recommendations from A - Z. 6. revised. Edition. Verlag Karl F. Haug, 2011, ISBN 978-3-8304-7426-5 , p. 585.
  13. Peter Dosch: Textbook of neural therapy according to Huneke, regulation therapy with local anesthetics. 14th adult Edition. Verlag Karl F. Haug, 1995, ISBN 3-8304-0632-0 , p. 504.
  14. Karl Stauffer, arr. by Christian Lucae: Clinical homeopathic medicine. Johannes Sonntag Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-87758-241-9 , p. 399 et al. (Homeopath, 2nd edition. 1925, 4th edition. 1955)