Wilhelm Schumann (politician, 1899)

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Wilhelm Schumann

Wilhelm Schumann (born March 28, 1899 in Elberfeld , † after 1945) was a German politician ( NSDAP ).

After attending school, Schumann took part in the First World War as a soldier . He then lived as a bricklayer in Elberfeld.

In the 1920s, Schumann joined the NSDAP. From 1932 to autumn 1933 he sat as a member of the Prussian state parliament . From November 1933 until the end of the Nazi regime in spring 1945 he was a member of the National Socialist Reichstag as a member of constituency 22 (Düsseldorf East).

In the Sturmabteilung (SA) Schumann achieved the rank of Standartenführer .

In the Wuppertal address book for 1942 it is recorded with the address In der Beek 16.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/w/index.php?title=Datei%3AWuppertal-AB-1942.djvu&page=742