Wilhelmine Kofler

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Wilhelmine Kofler (born October 25, 1802 in Bolzano ; † April 14, 1866 there ) was a benefactress from Bolzano .


Wilhelmine Kofler was the daughter of the commercial director JA Grätzl and married to the doctor Josef Kofler. In her wills she bequeathed all of her extensive fortune to the poor and orphans. The main share flowed equally to the poor house in Rauschertorgasse and the infant care facility, and over time the infant care facility became the Kofler kindergarten and a girls' home in the same building on Vintlerstrasse . The kindergarten closed in the 2014/15 school year and was rebuilt a few meters further as the Weggenstein kindergarten. In the rooms of the kindergarten, additional rooms were set up for the girls' home. A small square near the Deutschhauskirche in Bolzano commemorates the great benefactress, whose work is immortalized on a plaque.

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