Willi Ruder

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Wilhelm 'Willi' Ruder (born March 24, 1910 in Bad Nauheim ; † May 11, 1994 there ) was a German political functionary (NSDAP).

Life and activity

During his mathematics studies in Giessen, Willi Ruder was recruited by the later Gauleiter Jakob Sprenger for the NSDAP, which he joined on July 1, 1929 ( membership number 135.869).

In 1933 Ruder became head of the training department in Area 13 of the Hitler Youth.

From 1934 to 1943 Ruder served as Head of the Gaustabsamtsamt in the Gauleitung Hessen-Nassau of the NSDAP. He was also a councilor in Frankfurt am Main .

On the occasion of the Reichstag election of April 1938 , Ruder ran as a member of the parliament, which was brought into line, on the “List of the Führer for the election of the Greater German Reichstag”, but was not elected.

At the beginning of 1943, Ruder moved to the party office of the NSDAP , the central control instrument for the management and supervision of the entire party apparatus of the NSDAP. At the end of 1943 he was permanently assigned to this department. At the beginning of 1944 he took over the management of the newly created staff for NS leadership issues of the party chancellery (group II F of the party chancellery). The working staff was the counterpart to the Nazi command staff set up within the OKW by order of Hitler, which it was supposed to support in various ways in order to bring National Socialist ideas into the Wehrmacht.

The task force, under the leadership of the party chancellery, was supposed to coordinate the activities of various party offices and was kept relatively small. In December 1943, Ruder tried to explain how it worked as follows:

"The party will introduce the principles of National Socialist leadership and education into the Wehrmacht by way of the NS management staff and NS command officers, through education, visits from high officials, the assignment of speakers, and commanding of Wehrmacht members to party offices and training facilities the party is awakened in the armed forces understanding for the party its task in war and peace and a solid relationship of trust is built. "

As part of his work as head of the management staff, Ruder was one of Martin Bormann's closest employees in the last phase of World War II and achieved the rank of chief division manager within the NSDAP.


  • Peter Longerich : Hitler's deputy: leadership of the party and control of the state apparatus by the Hess staff and the party chancellery Bormann , 1992, p. 142.