William John Little

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William John Little

William John Little (born August 6, 1810 in Whitechapel , London , † July 7, 1894 in Malling , Kent ) was an English orthopedist and pediatrician .


He was the founder of the Royal Orthopedic Hospital . In 1862 he published a detailed description of deformed and sometimes developmentally retarded children. A spastic paralysis of the legs as a form of cerebral palsy is Little syndrome , also Little's disease or Crohn's Little known.


  • IM Siegel: Little big man: the life and genius of William John Little (1810-1894) . In: Orthop Rev. , 1988 Nov, 17 (11), pp. 1156, 1161-1166, PMID 3060808 (English) short biography

Individual evidence

  1. The Little Encyclopedia . Encyclios-Verlag, Zurich, 1950, Volume 2, p. 62
  2. Little Syndrome . In: Roche Lexicon .