Willy E. Nocken

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Artist: Willy E. Nocken

Willy E. Nocken (born October 3, 1919 in Düsseldorf , † 1995 in Karlsruhe ) was a German artist and painter.


His father was an opera singer who lost his voice due to illness and then worked as an illustrator and copywriter in an advertising agency. Willy E. Nocken began drawing at an early age, encouraged by his father. He studied at the master school for graphics in Wuppertal with Schreiber and Cleff and at the state art academy with Schwarzkopf in Düsseldorf and at the art school Carp in Düsseldorf. He also worked in advertising with his father. At the age of 21 he joined the Wehrmacht in 1940 as a soldier, then in 1944 at Stalingrad for six years as a Soviet prisoner of war . Towards the end of his captivity, he made propaganda posters, portraits and landscapes for the Soviet officers on behalf of the camp administration. Back in Germany in 1950, he initially worked in advertising, where he again initially worked with his father; from 1952 to 1968 he was the studio manager in an advertising agency .

In 1956 he married his wife Hanna and lived with her and their daughter Ute in Karlsruhe until his death. In 1968, Nocken started his own business as a graphic designer and freelance artist. He had various solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions. He also worked for the “Badische Neuesten Nachrichten”, among others, which published many of his works in the weekly feature pages. He passed away in 1995.


His work includes painting with oil paint and acrylic, collage, graphics and drawing. He showed a preference for large-format linocuts with clear, simplified shapes. His painting is also characterized by an expressive reduction in form and clear coloring. He used plywood, hardboard and cardboard as a painting surface, and he only painted a few of his works on canvas. His work is characterized by five motif circles:

  • Russia - this is where he processed his impressions from captivity until the 1980s;
  • “The Dance of Death” in the form of a twelve-part linocut series that forces us to grapple with the inevitable end of every life;
  • the circus, which fascinated him in its shades of tension, happiness and thoughtfulness;
  • Landscapes that were often created after vacations in the studio
  • Women, his wife Hanna and his daughter Ute can be found in many pictures.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • Karlsruhe Art Association
  • Gallery Schneider-Sato Karlsruhe-Durlach
  • Freudenstadt town house
  • Palais Hamilton Baden-Baden
  • Museum Society Ettlingen
  • Hahnentorburg Cologne
  • Ettlingen Art Cabinet
  • Künstlerhausgalerie Karlsruhe


  • "Willy E. Nocken, TOTENTANZ, Linocut" 1980 by HUBERT KNAUBER, curator of the Ettlingen Museum Society, private edition, no information on publisher or year of publication
  • "Mounted Panopticon" Willy E. Nocken in the Schneider-Sato Gallery, Durlach 1971 by E. Gillen, excerpt from the Badische Latest Nachrichten, 1971, no more precise information possible
  • "Linocuts by Willy Nocken 1959" no more precise information possible

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dance of Death: linocuts; Willy E. Nocken, Hubert Knauber, 1975