Wingershofer Gate

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Wingershofer Tor to Amberg

The Wingershofer Tor is a city ​​gate of the Upper Palatinate city ​​of Amberg, built in 1579/80 . The gate in the south of the city is named after the former sovereign estate "Wingershof". Even today, Wingershofer Straße continues to Schmidmühlen .


The current gate had a previous building that had to be ceded to Elector Friedrich after he had put down the so-called Amberg uprising in 1453/54. This building, consisting of a rectangular tower, was included in the fortification wall for the Electoral Palace . It was made of rubble stones and had z. Torn arched gate openings still preserved today.

At a distance of approx. 40 m from the old Wingershofer Tor, a simple gate opening was first knocked out to replace the city wall. This provisional was in 1579 under Elector Ludwig VI. Replaced as part of the reinforcement of the Amberg city fortifications by an armory with a front tower built in front of the wall . Previously, the tower of the plant had a roof turret with a lantern .


The Wingershofer Tor is a double gate system. From the outside an archway leads into a gate kennel. This is followed by the inner archway with a Gothic pointed arch.

The gate building has a four-story tower with two side wings. These are connected at the same height as the city wall behind. The tower is 17.5 m high and covered by a pyramid roof. The barbican has a depth of 11.5 m. In the basement of the building has a wall thickness of 1.5 m, the outside it is provided with a rustic quadern from Rhätsandstein blinded. The facade is structured by a flat band at the height of the fighter . The side walls have a square facing in the upper part, in the lower part unplastered rubble stones are walled up. The lower two shooting openings are formed by transverse rectangular loopholes , in the upper part eight square loopholes are made. Above the portal is “Der Statt Amberg coat of arms” in a laurel wreath and the year “1579”. On the tower there is a coat of arms with the Palatinate lion , the three letters "LCP" mean "Ludovicus Comes Palatinus".

The covered battlement has been preserved in the courtyard . A small arched portal led from here to the kennel . The gate passage leading to the city is equipped with a groin vault and a central plate stone with a rose window. The hinges for the double-leaf gate are still there. The passage through the city wall behind is formed by a Gothic portal made of Dogger sandstone. The profiled portal has a pointed arch. Remains of the former barrier can still be seen on the town side.

In the past, the space in front of the Wingershofer Tor served as a building site for the Vils ships and also as a Dultplatz. The ditch in front of the gate was filled with sand in 1864 and the section between the gate and the castle pond was also filled in in 1867. The area between Malteserplatz and Wingershofer Tor followed in 1880 and the city wall was also laid down there in 1897.


  • Mathias Conrad: The Wingershofer Tor. In: amberg information , June 2001, pp. 33-37.

Web links

Commons : Wingershofer Tor  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Georg Leingärtner : Amberg district judge . Ed .: Commission for Bavarian State History (=  Historical Atlas of Bavaria . Old Bavaria, Issue 24). Munich 1971, ISBN 3-7696-9800-2 , p. 12 , above ( [1] [accessed July 20, 2020]).

Coordinates: 49 ° 26 ′ 34.1 ″  N , 11 ° 51 ′ 26.5 ″  E