Treetop sting bug

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Treetop sting bug
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale

Hawthorn shield bug ( Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale )

Subordination : Bed bugs (heteroptera)
Partial order : Pentatomomorpha
Family : Sting bugs (Acanthosomatidae)
Subfamily : Acanthosomatinae
Genre : Acanthosoma
Type : Treetop sting bug
Scientific name
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale
Linnaeus , 1758

The treetop sting bug ( Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale ) is a species of the family of the sting bug (Acanthosomatidae) and thus belongs to the Schnabelkerfen . It is often only either sting bug or tops bug called.


Top sting bugs are around 15 to 17 mm in size. To see they are at the black-yellow striped along head (caput) and the dorsal forming a triangle, blood red to red-brown stripes on the Hemielytren and the edge of the throat plate (Scutum). This coloring on the shield-shaped body offers them a very good camouflage in the hawthorn bush or in the foliage. When flying up, the colorful coloring of the abdomen is noticeable, it is apple to emerald green in spring, yellow-green to brown-red in autumn. The length of the innermost antenna segment extends beyond the black dotted head. The pronotum and label ( scutellum ) are also dotted with black; there are around 110 points on the label alone. The feet ( tarsus ) are two-part. They are called the sting bug because they have a conspicuous ventral keel with a pointed, prickly extension.


The treetop sting bugs are mostly found singly in deciduous forests, on the edges of forests or in the woods throughout Europe (becoming rarer towards the north), mostly where mountain ash ( Sorbus aucuparia ), hawthorn ( Crataegus ) and hedges grow. It is one of the most common bedbugs in Europe. They fly from April / May to October.


Larval stage of the treetop sting bug

Quite similar to the green stink bugs , top sting bugs also give off a non-toxic, but strongly unpleasant smelling secretion to protect against predators such as birds and other disturbances. The exits of the defensive glands are located next to the base of the legs, while in the larvae they are usually located dorsally on the abdomen and can also be easily recognized there.


This species only sucks vegetable juices, especially on berry bushes, whereby the fruits themselves are preferred. However, the larvae only prick the leaves.



The tree bugs only have one generation per year. In autumn, the adult bedbugs can often be seen sunbathing on walls before hibernating on the ground under old leaves. In spring, they lay the fertilized eggs on hawthorn. After hatching from June to August, the mostly green larvae molt five times in a few weeks before they are fully grown.


Web links

Commons : hawthorn shield bug ( Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale )  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files