Economy and education

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Economy and Education (commonly used abbreviation: WuE ) is a magazine from the Federal Association of Teachers at Business Schools .

Published editions

The first year with 12 issues and exactly 300 pages was already published by Heckners Verlag in Wolfenbüttel. The five “Vorhefte” published with the approval of the British military administration and published by the “Association of German Commercial Teachers” in Düsseldorf on October 4, 1947 [“Mitteilungen”) are almost unknown. December 1947 (9 unpaginated pages), March, June (15 pages each), August and December (23 pages each) 1948]. The first 15 volumes were published in A5 format, the following seven volumes in lexicon format (1970: twelve issues with a total of 576 pages.) From 1971 the magazine was published in DIN A4 format. The complete 2015 year has 320 pages in eight issues. The year 2000 still had 12 issues with a total of 446 pages, that is, 126 pages more.

In the spring of 2018, the 2/2018 issue was the last issue of the "Wirtschaft und Erziehungs" magazine. Because with the merger of the two federal associations of teachers at business schools (VLW) and teachers at vocational schools (BLBS) in April 2018, their specialist journals also merged into the new journal "Bildung und Beruf". This magazine was first published in July 2018.


Economy and education is according to the German commercial school teacher newspaper [1904–1921; Organ of the Sächsischer (later: German) commercial school men, editor Hermann Großmann (1872–1952)] and the German (n) Handelsschul-Warte (1921–1933; published on behalf of various “commercial teacher associations”, editor Adolf Ziegler (1878–1878–) 1948)) the third "organ for commercial education" in Germany. Actually, the magazine for the entire commercial education system (from 1914: ~~ education system) should also be mentioned, which the German Association for Commercial Education, founded on the initiative of Richard Stegemann (1856-1925), published from 1898 to 1919 . Manfred Horlebein takes the view, however, that this magazine cannot be taken into account here because "the teachers at commercial schools (in this association) were a rather marginal group" (Festschrift, p. 24). However, the magazine's subtitle is also called “Organ of the Association of German Commercial School Men”.

After the "time of the National Socialist administrators of the commercial education system", it was Anton Pfeifer (1900–1971) who, after the last war, almost single-handedly reestablished the association of business teachers and, in the tradition of the "Reichsverband", also a new association magazine ins Life called. The name “corresponds to the topic of one of the first habilitation theses in business education, with which Walter Löbner (1902–1982) acquired his academic teaching qualification in Leipzig in 1934”. This, Horlebein continues, “could have been intended as a link to academic business education, but at the same time 'Economy and Education' should also be a future program that did not show the business teacher in the earlier close ties to the commercial class, but as a business teacher with more extensive goals '”(Festschrift, p. 63).

“Due to licensing problems, WuE first appeared in January 1949 and was called the 'Monthly of the Association of German Graduate Business Teachers'. Editing was carried out by the chairman of the association himself until 1951 ”, but in 1952 it was transferred to the now“ legendary ”Heinrich Schrader (1908–1987) for 18 years. He expanded the subject areas dealt with in WuE and gave the magazine a format that approximated the DIN B 5 standard and thus - as he said - a "larger and more stately format". As long as the Lower Saxony Schrader (he was head of the German Sparkasse School in Hanover.) The Saarlander Rudolf Blatt was editor of WuE (from 1978 to 1995). The magazine now comprised the sections “Articles and contributions to the discussion”, “Association, politics, personal matters” and “Federal government, states, documentation”. And the "Lead Article" category, already maintained by Schrader, has been reintroduced. The "leading article" - as Horlebein writes - he regarded the magazine as the "visiting card".

Dr. Blatt writes: The content of the magazine is divided into categories. Their selection takes place under the aspect of validity, which in turn is determined by the purpose or the functions of the journal. The headings leading articles, topics, association, federal, state and international affairs, current business and book reviews are permanent departments that appear in every issue. The categories Politics, Discussion, Personal and Readers' Letters arise from case to case. (Portrait of a magazine, p. 342). Before that, he gives information about the four functions of the association journal: He differentiates between the unification function , which is intended to counteract the “tendency towards federal fragmentation”, the identification function , which appeals to the feeling of belonging to a group and collegiality, the information function towards association members and external parties on various topics and finally the advertising function , to which above all the appearance, the quality of the articles and the continuity of a magazine contribute (Portrait of a magazine, pp. 338–340).

In conclusion, it should be pointed out that WuE was never the sole “place” for discussing issues of economic education in the broadest sense. Also in 1949, university lecturers published the journal Die Deutsche Berufs- und Fachschule (DBFsch), which was renamed the Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik (ZBW) in 1980 . It was, however, dominated by “trade teachers”, but it was always also a platform for the publication of articles on business education. And then there is the journal Erziehungswissenschaft und Beruf (EwuB), which was founded in 1953 as Der Merkur-Bote by Merkur-Verlag in Rinteln. The main focus was on the discussion of didactic and methodological questions as well as on the presentation of lesson plans.

In Austria, the “classic land of commercial schools”, there was an excellent body of the association from 1894 to 1918 (the end of the German Empire), which received no response in Germany, but was perhaps the “initiator” for the development in this country: communications from the association of teaching staff at Austrian commercial schools (Linz 1894 to 1918). From the 7th year 1900 the magazine was renamed: Österreichische Handelsschul-Zeitung. Announcements from the Association of Teachers at Austrian Commercial Training Institutes.

Individual evidence

  1. Festschrift for the 100th anniversary of the Federal Association of Teachers at Business Schools e. V. (VLW) with a contribution to the history of the association by Manfred Horlebein, Wolfenbüttel 2008, here p. 23/24
  2. Sandmann, Detlef; Bödeker, Jochen: "Economy & Education" and "The Vocational School" merge into the specialist journal "Bildung und Beruf". In: W&E, Vol. 70 (2018), No. 2, pp. 41–42.
  3. Karl Abraham (1904–1990), who at the time was the professor for business education in Mannheim, compares the three journals with one another in his contribution to the fifty years of the association's history: legacy and mission of the commercial school. In: WuE, Vol. 10 (1958), pp. 434–454, here pp. 436/37. He was "shocked to see how small and narrow the horizon of the German business school has become." (P. 437)
  4. For the history of the "Braunschweiger Verband" see: Zipperlen, Konrad: The German Association for Commercial Education (1895-1937). Structure, activities and effectiveness, Diss. Erlangen Nürnberg 1987 (384 pages)
  5. On the person of Schrader see Aßmann, Klaus: In memoriam Heinrich Schrader (HS). In: WuE, vol. 39 (1987), pp. 135/36 (with a large portrait photo)
  6. ↑ He gives detailed information about his relationship to the magazine: "Economy and Education" - Portrait of a magazine. In: Stratmann, Karlwilhelm (ed.), Professional and economic educational journals. Essays on their analysis, Frankfurt 1994, pp. 333–352
  7. He has collected his leading articles and published them as an independent publication: Standpunkte / Leading Articles - Economy and Education - 1978–1985, Wolfenbüttel 1985 (92 pages)

further reading

  • Schrader, Heinrich: 15 years of business and education . In: WuE, 16. Jg. (1964), pp. 11-13
  • Schötz, Werner: Economy and Education - the organ for commercial education . In: Festschrift for the 75th anniversary of the Federal Association of Teachers at Business Schools, Wolfenbüttel 1983, pp. 17–20
  • Blatt, Rudolf: Economy and education - portrait of a magazine . To complete the 45th year. In: WuE 45th vol. (1993), pp. 423-430
  • Reuter, Hans-Georg: The shapers of business and education , WuE 51. Jg. (1999), p. 60. 66