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Wizzo (also Waso , Wasso , Wiso , Wizo ) was Archbishop of Trier from 804 to 809 .


Little is known about the life and work of Wizzo. It is only recorded in the Trier bishops list.

There is the thesis that he is identical to the pupil of Alcuin Candidus Wiz (z) o , who came from England . Others see him as a former abbot of the Mettlach monastery .

In 806 he possibly took part in the imperial assembly in Diedenhofen , at which the Divisio Regnorum was decided.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Hubert Anton : Trier in the early Middle Ages (sources and research from the field of history / NF; 9). Schöningh, Paderborn 1987, ISBN 3-506-73259-5 , p. 198.
  2. CANDIDUS ( Memento from September 7, 2012 on WebCite ) (en; PDF; 24 kB)
  3. Olaf Schneider: Archbishop Hinkmar and the consequences. The four hundred year journey of historical memories from Reims to Trier (Millennium Studies; 22). DeGruyter, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-11-0-20056-0 , p. 372 (also dissertation, University of Frankfurt / M. 2005).
  4. Entry on saarland-biografien.de
predecessor Office successor
Richbod Archbishop of Trier