Vladimir Vasilyevich Gostyuchin

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Wladimir Wassiljewitsch Gostjuchin (also: Vladimir Gostyukhin, Russian Владимир Гостюхин, born March 10, 1946 in Sverdlovsk , Soviet Union ) is a Russian film and theater actor and director.


Since 1970 he has appeared in over 100 film and series productions. He is married to the actress Alla Prolich for the fourth time and has two children with two of his former wives.

Gostyuchin is considered a supporter of Ukraine and is a co-founder of the Belarusian Republican Party of Labor and Justice.

In 1977 it was shown in German cinemas: The film Aufstieg won the "Golden Bear" at the Berlinale in Berlin in 1977. It became known to a wider Western audience through the award-winning Soviet-French feature film Urga from 1991, in which he Sergei played the truck driver. The film received an Oscar nomination for "Best Foreign Language Film" and the "Golden Lion" at the 1993 Venice International Film Festival .

Filmography (international selection)

  • 1977 rise (alternative TV title: The Increase, Восхождение ), USSR
  • 1983 The Shore (БЕРЕГ), USSR
  • 1984 Moon Rainbow (Лунная радуга), USSR
  • 1990 L'autostop (Автостоп), USSR / Italy / Switzerland
  • 1991 Urga (Урга), USSR / France
  • 2002 The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter (Сказ про Федота-Стрельца), Russia
  • 2006 Quiet Flows the Don (Тихий Дон), Great Britain / Russia
  • 2008 Battle of the Barbarians (Русичи), Russia
  • 2015 The Code of Cain (Код Каина), Belarus / Russia / Ukraine / USA

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vladimir Gostyukhin. Retrieved November 5, 2018 .
  2. ^ Reply to the list of the Russian Ministry of Culture . In: Voices of Ukraine . March 13, 2014 ( maidantranslations.com [accessed November 7, 2018]).
  3. О партии | Республиканская партия труда и справедливости. Retrieved November 7, 2018 .