Vladimir Mikhailovich Kernig

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Vladimir Mikhailovich Kernig

Vladimir Mikhailovich Kernig ( German : Woldemar Friedrich Michael Kernig , Russian : Владимир Михайлович Керниг, born June 16 . Jul / 28. June  1840 . Greg in Saint Petersburg , † 18 April 1917 ) was a Russian physician and neurologist. The Kernig sign for meningitis is named after him.

Wladimir Kernig studied at the University of Dorpat and was one of the students of Adolf Wachsmuth (1827-1865). He received his doctorate in 1864 and was then an assistant doctor at the Obuchow Hospital in St. Petersburg. In 1865 he became an ordinator, a position he held alongside others until the end of the century. In 1882 Kernig published an article about the stretch mark, later named after him, in the case of meningitic irritation in the “St. Petersburg Medical Weekly ”. From 1890 he was chief physician at the gynecological clinic in Obuchow. In addition, from 1873 to 1890 he was a doctor at the deaf-mute school in St. Petersburg and from 1881 to 1886 medical teacher for internal medicine at the institutes of the Kaiserin- Marja -Anstalten.


  • About spleen abscesses according to Febris recurrens , St. Petersburg Medical Journal, 1867, XII.
  • On subfebrile conditions of considerable duration , German Archive for Clinical Medicine, Leipzig, 1879, XXIV.
  • Preliminary report on the consumptives treated in the women's department of the Obuchow Hospital according to Koch's method , German Archive for Clinical Medicine, Leipzig, 1891, XVI.
  • About a symptom of acute meningitis , St. Petersburger medicinische Wochenschrift 1882; VII.
  • Via subcutaneous injections at the tips of the lungs without pathological changes to the same , German Archive for Clinical Medicine, Leipzig, 1898; XXXIV.
  • Report on the lung patients treated with Tuberculin R in the Obuchow women's hospital , St. Petersburg medicinische Wochenschrift, 1898; XXIII.

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