Vladimir Wassiljewitsch Schischkin

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Vladimir Wassiljewitsch Schischkin ( Russian Владимир Васильевич Шишкин ; born January 29, 1938 in Leningrad ; † February 9, 1990 ibid) was a Soviet chess player .


As a teenager, Shishkin attended the chess section in the Leningrad Pioneer Palace. In 1958 he reached second place with the Leningrad selection at the Soviet team championship in Vilnius . In 1960 he won the Leningrad City Championship by half a point over Vyacheslav Osnos. Also in 1960, he became national champion after meeting his norm in a semi-final of the Soviet championship last year . In 1963 he was second behind Vladimir Makogonow in the championship of the armed forces of the USSR in Kishinev .

In the match between Moscow and Leningrad in 1960, he scored 1: 1 against Salo Flohr . In the same year in the friendly game of the Leningrad team against Budapest he defeated Lajos Portisch with 2.5: 1.5 . At the next meeting in 1961, he won 3-1 over Ervin Haag. Igor Bondarewski , who analyzed Shishkin's games in the early 1960s, attested to his lack of knowledge of modern opening theory and good endgame technique. The young master is sure of considerable success, provided that he works hard, practices more self-criticism and leads a sporty lifestyle.

However, Shishkin was not particularly disciplined and generated negative reports. Already at the city championship of Leningrad in 1961 he was expelled from the hall for violating the tournament rules in the last round. A new incident was reported in 1964 when he was banned from the same competition after eleven rounds. From then on he could no longer build on his earlier achievements and played mostly in the city parks. His last tournament was the Furman Memorial in Leningrad in 1989. His best historical rating was 2544 in May 1961.

In the 1980s he unofficially coached Gata Kamsky and, according to some estimates, played more than 200 games with him.

Game examples

  a b c d e f G H  
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5 Chess pdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess ndt45.svg Chess pdt45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess pdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess qlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess plt45.svg 2
1 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  
22. f4 – f5!

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess rdt45.svg Chess rdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess kdt45.svg 8th
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6th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess pdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess ndt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess rlt45.svg 6th
5 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess pdt45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg 5
4th Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess pdt45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 4th
3 Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess bdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 2
1 Chess blt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess qlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 1
  a b c d e f G H  
41. Qe1 – h4!

Template: checkerboard-small / maintenance / new

The first position in the diagram on the left was created in the encounter between Shishkin and Lajos Portisch, Leningrad 1960. With f4 – f5, Schischkin made a pawn breakthrough on the kingside and after a few moves decided the game in his favor: 22. f4 – f5 g6xf5 23. Nd4xf5 Nc5xd3 24. Nf5xe7 Nd3xc1 25. De2 – f3 Rh8 – f8 26. Rf1xc1 Ke8xe7 27. Be3 – c5 + Ke7 – d7 28. Qf3 – f6 Rf8 – c8 29. Qf6xf7 + Kd7 – c6 30. Bc5 – d4 + and 1: 0.

The diagram on the right shows the game between Shishkin and Igor Ivanov , Moscow 1971. Before the resumption, Shishkin noted the move Qe1 – h4. His opponent replied with g7xh6, which led to a forced win for White: 41. Qe1 – h4 g7xh6 42. Qh4xh6 Qd7 – f7 43. Bc2 – a4 Re8 – d8 44. f4 – f5 Bf3 – h5 45. Ba4 – d1 Bh5xd1 46. Rg5 – g6 Qf7 – d7 47. Rg6xf6 Rf8xf6 48. Qh6xf6 + Kh8 – g8 49. Qf6 – h8 + Kg8 – f7 50. Qh8 – g7 + and 1: 0.


Individual evidence

  1. Chessmetrics player profile (accessed June 7, 2012)
  2. G. Nessis: Jawlenije Kamskich . In: 64 - Shakhmatnoe obozreniye . No. 6, 1996, p. 16 (Russian)