Weekly newspaper for Uetersen

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The weekly newspaper for Uetersen was a regional daily newspaper that appeared in Uetersen from 1884 to 1929 .


As early as 1858 an attempt was made to found a newspaper in Uetersen. However, these efforts failed due to the resistance of the Danish government, which did not want to grant a new privilege . On October 27, 1864, the first sample copy of the weekly newspaper for Uetersen appeared . It consisted of 4 pages and was published twice a week and cost 1 mark per quarter . In the editorial article of the 1st edition, the following could be read, among other things: Depending on the time, we will in future summarize the political events in a longer or shorter report, then we will be a story, daily news, agricultural and - here we mainly feel on the active Involvement of the audience instructed - bring something local. The events in the country and at home were particularly favorable for the development of the newspaper at that time, so that it soon appeared three times a week. But it wasn't until 1912 that it became a daily newspaper. In 1929 the paper was bought up by the Uetersener Nachrichten and newspapers disappeared from the market.

See also


  • Hans Ferdinand Bubbe : Attempt to create a chronicle of the city and the Uetersen monastery, Volume 1, Part III (1933)