Living space in Meppen-Emslage

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The Mesolithic residential area of ​​Meppen-Emslage is located in the Versener Moor , part of the Bourtanger Moor , west of Meppen in the Emsland in Lower Saxony .

The living space of the Mesolithic, which was cut in 1980 during the cultivation of the bog, was explored in 1984 and excavated between 1985 and 1988 on an area of ​​initially 250 m². It lies on a ridge of sand overlaid by pine stumps and layers of bog.

Of the approximately 3000 artifacts , around 20% are cracked , ie with cracks. The material consists primarily of blades , tees and cores . The proportion of retouched artifacts is around six percent. In addition to scratches, back knives and burins , around 50 microliths were found. Including long and very small triangles (about 5 mm), squares and fragments of lancet tips.

Of particular interest are several oval pits about 3 m in diameter and 1.5 m deep. Possibly it is the remains of sunk-in dwellings in the ground that was not yet marshland.

According to the pollen analysis and the microlithic spectrum, the dwelling belongs to the Atlantic and Late Mesolithic (5000–4000 BC).


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