Wolf Rozowski

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Wolf Rozowski (* around 1913 in Warsaw ; † May 1943 ) was a member of the General Jewish Workers' Union ("Bund") and fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising . He was Leib Rozowski's brother .


Wolf Rozowski became a member of the Socialist Children's Farband (SKIF), the children's organization of the “Bund” , at an early age . In 1935 he was to be promoted to the SKIF Central Committee. After the German occupation he even became head of the children's organization and at the same time was elected to the central committee of the youth organization of the federal government, the " Tsukunft ". But he was also active in other parts of the ghetto, he distributed newspapers, printed them and became a member of the federal militia . He was arrested twice - once he could be ransomed, and another time he could jump from a train that was to be deported to Treblinka . In the Jewish Fighting Organization (ŻOB) he became a commander who was supposed to fight in the area of ​​the factories. Wolf, also called Wevel, protected the central ghetto in the Warsaw ghetto uprising from German reinforcements. On May 10, 1943 he was able to flee with 40 fellow combatants, but he was murdered by the Gestapo that same month. After the end of the war he was accepted into the circle of heroism .


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