Wolfgang Wachtsmuth

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Wolfgang Friedrich Justus Wachtsmuth (born November 12, 1876 in Mitau , † November 13, 1964 in Eschweiler ) was a German-Baltic pedagogue and author.


After attending school in Mitau and Saint Petersburg , Wachtsmuth studied chemistry at the Riga Polytechnic between 1896 and 1902 . From 1904 to 1915 he worked as a senior teacher in Riga. After the end of the First World War , Wachtsmuth played a key role in the reconstruction of the German school system in Latvia from 1919 onwards and was head of the German school department for eight years from 1920. In 1929 he was entrusted with the management of the German education system in the Latvian Ministry of Education. In 1934 he was appointed head of the cultural office. He held this office until 1936 and until 1939 he was also a member of the Presidium of the Baltic German National Community in Latvia.

He was a member of the Fraternitas Baltica .


  • History of the Fraternitas Baltica in Riga 1865–1915 . Riga 1922.
  • About German work in Latvia 1918–1934. An activity report. Materials on the history of the Baltic Germanness . 3 volumes. Comel, Cologne 1951–1953.
    • Vol. 1: The German-Baltic national community in Latvia 1923–1934 (1951)
    • Vol. 2: The autonomous German school in Latvia (1952)
    • Vol. 3: The political face of the German ethnic group in Latvia in the parliamentary period (1953)
  • Paths, detours, companions. Life memories . Winkler, Munich 1954.
  • Nature, structure and significance of the former German-Baltic student corporations . Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corps Student History Research, Vol. 1 (1956), pp. 45–60.

See also

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