Wolfhard Molkentin

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Wolfhard Molkentin (born September 9, 1941 ) is a former German politician ( CDU ).


Molkentin, son of a pastor, first studied agriculture at the University of Rostock .

From 1990 to 2008 he was district administrator, initially in the district of Grimmen , and after the district reform of 1994 in the district of Northern Western Pomerania .

He is considered the political mentor of today's (as of 2019) Chancellor Angela Merkel .

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Individual evidence

  1. Max-Stefan Koslik: The Merkel-Macher - The story of Wolfhard Molkentin is the story of a man who discovered the Chancellor . In: Schweriner Volkszeitung (SVZ) - special supplement . October 2, 2014, p. 3 ( page 3 with article as download [PDF; accessed on February 11, 2019]).