Wonseok Chung

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Wonseok Chung (* 1969 in Incheon , South Korea ) is a Korean German studies scholar and university professor .


Chung grew up in South Korea and graduated from Whimoon High School in Seoul in 1988 . He then studied German language and literature at Dankook University and graduated in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts. 1997 followed the Master of Arts in German linguistics and literature at the Yonsei University .

For his further studies he moved to Germany, where he first studied literature and philosophy at the University of Bielefeld. He then studied German and history at the University of Heidelberg and became Ernst Jünger and Goethe in 2007 with his work . Doing a research on their aesthetic and literary affinities . Helmuth Kiesel commented on this work in his biography Jüngers: “Only recently, the Korean Germanist Wonseok Chung showed in a cautious dissertation how great Jünger's intellectual affinity was to Goethe, visible for example in holistic ideas, in the connection of natural science and art in one morphological and symbolistic world view, but also in the appreciation of serenity. "

From 2008 Wonseok Chung was a lecturer at the German Department of Hanshin University (South Korea). Then post-doc from 2010 to 2012 at Yonsei University. Today he teaches at Dankook University in South Korea.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Helmuth Kiesel: Ernst Jünger. The biography . Siedler, Munich 2007, p. 131.