Wrong Way Butch

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Original title Wrong Way Butch
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1950
length 10 mins
Director Dave O'Brien
script Julian Harmon
Dave O'Brien
production Pete Smith
camera Harold Lipstein
cut Joseph Dietrick
  • Dave O'Brien: Butch

Wrong Way Butch is an American short film released in 1950.


The film shows what can happen to a careless worker with machines and tools. First Butch hits his fingers with a hammer when a blonde walks by. Then his tie gets caught in a machine. He accidentally flips switches on machines that start before he can get out of the way. He is hit by hot metal splinters as he walks past a welder. The walk through the electroplating department becomes a horror trip for him.


In 1951 the film was nominated for an Oscar in the category of Best Short Film (a film role) .


The film premiered on September 2, 1950.

The film's spokesman was producer Pete Smith.

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