Vsessoyuznoye uprawlenie po ochrane avtorskich prav

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The " All Union Administration for the Protection of Authors' Rights" (Wsessoiusnoje uprawlenije po ochrane awtorskich praw (WUOAP), Russian Всесоюзное управление по охране авторских прав ) was responsible for copyright protection in the USSR .

WUOAP was founded in 1932 for the purpose of collecting and paying fees for Soviet authors as the central state administrative authority for all Union republics . In 1938 it was given the name “All Union Administration for the Protection of Copyright”. The trigger for its establishment were the changes in Soviet copyright law on May 16, 1928 .

After the Soviet Union February 27, 1973 with effect from 27 May 1973 to the International Universal Copyright Convention was joined, was Decree of 20 August on 20 September 1973, the " Allunionsagentur for the protection of copyright (WAAP) " ( Всесоюзное Агентство по авторским правам ВААП ), an officially non-governmental authors' organization. The WAAP replaced the WUOAP.


  1. Levitsky p. 39.


  • SL Levitsky: Introduction to Soviet Copyright Law . (Law in Eastern Europe; 8). Leiden 1964.

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