Xiachuan culture

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Paleolithic cultures of China
Xihoudu culture 1270,000 BP
Ordos culture 50,000-35,000 BP
Xiachuan culture 24,000-16,000 BP
Xiaonanhai culture 22650-21650 BP
Tongliang culture 24450 ± 850 BP
Maomaodong culture 14600 ± 1200 BP
Fulin culture
Kehe culture
Dingsishan culture
Gezidong culture
Miaohoushan culture
Donggutuo culture
Xiaochangliang culture
Shilongtou culture
Shuicheng culture
Shuidonggou culture
Yanbulaq culture

The Xiachuan culture ( Chinese  下 川 文化 , Pinyin Xiàchuān wénhuà , English Xiachuan Culture ) is a Upper Paleolithic culture in Shanxi Province , China . It was named after the site discovered in 1973 in Xiachuan下 川, Qinshui沁水 County, Shanxi Province.

The Xiachuan culture was mainly spread in the southeast of Shanxi, at the eastern end of the mountains Zhongtiao Shan (中 条 山), their area extended over the three counties of Yuanqu (垣曲), Qinshui (沁水) and Yangcheng (阳城) . Piles of stone tools were found in sixteen places. According to radiocarbon dating , it is dated to approximately 24,000-16,000 BP. The main characteristic are the microliths . In the case of artifacts made of stone, a distinction is made between small and large. The small stone artifacts are mostly made of flint stones . The stone-working technique was highly developed; In addition to the technique of direct impact, there was also u. a. that of indirect blow. The large stone artifacts are usually made of sandstone or quartzite. The economic life consisted mainly of hunting, supplemented by collecting. The microliths of this culture embody the highest level of craftsmanship of the Paleolithic.

See also


  • Wang Jian, Wang Xiangqian, and Chen Zheying: "Xiachuan wenhua" [Xiachuan Culture]. Kaogu xuebao 1978.3, pp. 259-288
  • Cihai . Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe 2002; ISBN 7-5326-0839-5
  • Zhongguo da baike quanshu: Kaoguxue [Great Chinese Encyclopedia: Volume Archeology]. Beijing: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe, 1986

Individual evidence

  1. Data from Cihai , p. 1835b, which this presentation essentially follows.