Ximo Puig

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Ximo Puig (2016)

Joaquim Francesc Puig i Ferrer , usually short Ximo Puig , (born January 4, 1959 in Morella ) is a Spanish politician of the social democratic Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE). He has been Prime Minister of the Region of Valencia since 2015 .


Puig worked as a journalist from 1979 to 1983 . From 1983 to 1986 he was a member of the PSOE's first legislative term in the Valencian regional parliament . In 1986 he moved to the office of President of the Valencian Prime Minister Joan Lerma as a civil servant. There he last worked as its personal advisor until he was elected mayor of his hometown Morella in 1995 . He held this office until 2012. From 1999 to 2011, Puig was again a member of the Valencian regional parliament for three legislative terms, of which he was second vice-president from 2003 to 2007.

2011 Puig was as a deputy for the province of Castellón in the Spanish Congress of Deputies elected, which he belonged to, 2015. In March 2012 he took over the office of General Secretary of the Valencian regional association of the PSOE, as its top candidate he went into the regional election in 2015.

After the election, he was elected Prime Minister of the Region of Valencia on June 25, 2015 by the regional parliament. He heads a coalition government made up of the PSOE and Compromís .

Web links

Commons : Ximo Puig  - collection of images, videos and audio files