Yahya Rahim Safavi

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Yahya Rahim Safavi

Yahya Rahim Safavi ( Persian حیى رحیم صفوی, *  1958 ) was commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard for over ten years until September 1, 2007 .

Safavi was a participant in the First Gulf War from 1981 and served with the Pasdaran until his rise to the top. In 1997 he succeeded Mohsen Rezai as commander of the Guard. Safavi is considered a hardliner, even in the Revolutionary Guard, who gained notoriety through some spectacular statements during his tenure:

  • The attacks of September 11, 2001 were ordered by the official US side and Israel.
  • The Islamic peoples will one day [...] drive the Zionist criminals into the sea.
  • In the event of a conflict, Iran would be able to raise an army of 12 million within 48 hours
  • The announcement of wonder weapons

As a person who is involved in the Iranian nuclear program as well as in the missile program, Safavi is subject to surveillance ordered by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1737 of the UN Security Council of December 23, 2006.

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.iranfocus.com/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8512
  2. http://www.memritv.org/clip_transcript/en/929.htm
  3. http://www.memritv.org/clip_transcript/en/1498.htm
  4. http://www.memritv.org/clip_transcript/en/1318.htm
  5. UN-SR of December 23, 2006