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General information
Genre (s) Folk rock
founding 1970
Current occupation
Farux Zokirov ( Фаррух Закиров )
Javlon Toʻxtayev ( Джавлон Тахтаев )
Alisher Toʻlyaganov ( Алишер Туляганов )
Abbos Aliyev ( Аббос Алиев )
former members
Sarvar Kaziyev
Rustam Iliasov ( Рустам Ильясов )

Yalla (Cyrillic and Russian Ялла Jalla ) is the name of an Uzbek folk-rock band.

Yalla was founded - inspired by the Beatles - in 1970 from an amateur group at the Tashkent Theater Institute and was one of the most popular bands in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 80s . Yalla used various oriental motifs in her works, both Russian and Uzbek languages, as well as traditional and modern instruments.

The group performed in the various Union republics as well as in other countries such as India and Pakistan . Yalla also took part in the 10th World Festival of Youth and Students in 1973 in East Berlin . Yalla was under contract with the Melodija label . In 1973 the GDR record label Amiga published two songs sung in Uzbek by the band called “Ensemble Jalla” on a compilation and in 1975 a single with the songs Wie schade und Das wird ein Tag sung in German under the name “Yalla”. When performing abroad, Yalla usually sang a song in the local language.

By 1979 almost the entire line-up of the band changed, only Zakirov remained part of Yalla. In the 1980s, Yalla was rated several times for the Soviet "Song of the Year". An offshoot of the band, Retro Yalla , was founded in 2002.


  • 1976 - Ким узи Kim usi
  • 1978 - Звезда востока Zvezda wostoka (Russian Star of the Orient )
  • 1979 - Кто он? Account on? (Russian. Who is he? )
  • 1980 - Это любовь Eto ljubow (Russian: This is love )
  • 1982 - Три колодца Tri kolodza (Russian three fountains )
  • 1983 - Лицо возлюбленной моей Lizo wosljublennoi mojei (Russian: The face of my lover )
  • 1988 - Музыкальная чайхана Musykalnaja tschaichana (Russian musical tea house )
  • 1997 - Сборник лучших песен (на английском языке) Sbornik lutschschich pesen (na anglijskom jasykje) (Russian collection of the best songs (in English) )
  • 1999 - Восточный базар Vostotschny bazaar (Russian Oriental Bazaar )
  • 2000 - Jinouni
  • 2000 - Борода верблюда Boroda werbljuda (Russian beard of the camel )
  • 2002 - Ялла. Избранное Jalla. Isbrannoje (Russian favorites )
  • 2003 - Ялла - Grand collection


  • HP Hofmann: Beat Lexicon. Performers, authors, technical terms . VEB Lied der Zeit Musikverlag, Berlin (East) 1977. ( Listed here as Jalla .)
  • Rafis Abazov: Culture and customs of the Central Asian republics . Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007. ISBN 0-313-33656-3 ; P. 154

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