Yamagata Masao

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Yamagata Masao ( Japanese 山 縣 昌 夫 ; born January 4, 1898 in Tōkyō ; died March 3, 1981 there) was a Japanese naval engineer .

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Yamagata Masao graduated from Tōkyō University in 1921 . He joined the Ministry of Post and Communication (逓 信 省, Teishinshō), moved to the Ministry of Transport (運輸 通信 省, Un'yu tsūshin-shō) in 1943, where he became director of the Department of Shipping (船舶 局, Sempaku-kyoku) and then director of the marine testing department (舶 試 験 所, Haku-shikenjo).

From 1947 to 1958 Yamagata worked as a professor at Tōkyō University, where he was dean of the engineering faculty from 1956 to 1958. He was adopted as "Meiyo Kyōju".

Yamagata carried out fundamental investigations into the design of the ship's hull and thus laid the foundation for the rapid development of Japanese shipbuilding. He worked as chairman of the "Society for Shipbuilding" (造船 協会, Zōsen kyōkai), as an advisor to the "Committee for Atomic Energy" (原子 力 委員会, Genshiryoku iinkai), as chairman of the "Japanese Society for Sea Life" (日本 海事 協会, Nihon kaiji kyōkai) and as chairman of the "Japanese Central Society for Shipbuilding Technology" (日本 造船 技術 セ ン タ ー 会, Nihon zōsen gijutsu center-kai). He campaigned for a national development for ships with nuclear propulsion. He was a member of the Academy of Sciences .

In 1967 Yamagata was honored as a person with special cultural merits and was awarded the Order of Culture in the same year .

Yamagata's works include the “ship type teaching” (船型 学, Senkei-gaku).


  1. Meiyo Kyōju (名誉 教授) is occasionally rendered in German as "Professor emeritus". But in contrast to this title, which is automatically used on retirement, this is a special award only occasionally granted in Japan.


  • S. Noma (Ed.): Yamagata Masao . In: Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993. ISBN 4-06-205938-X , p. 1727.

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