YouTube poop

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The term YouTube Poop ( YTK ), especially known in the English-speaking world as YouTube Poop ( YTP ), describes the subsequent, mocking editing of a video from edited sequences of the original work. It is primarily intended to entertain, confuse or shock the viewer. YTK videos are traditionally uploaded to the YouTube video portal , but they can also appear on other platforms. Commonly used sources of YTK video include television shows, movies, cartoons, advertisements, and computer games.


The first video in the form of a YouTube shit was not uploaded to YouTube, but to the SheezyArt website in 2004 by a user named SuperYoshi (YouTube didn't exist at the time). The video was called The Adventures of Super Mario 3 Remixed , now also known as I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL , and is an edited excerpt from the Super Mario Brothers Super Show series . Over the years YTP became more and more popular, after which more and more YTP channels were created and countless videos were uploaded. Some of these channels have hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

The first German-speaking YouTube shit came about in 2008 and 2009. Inspired by the English-speaking YTP, a forum for German-speaking YTP was founded, to which several users became aware and created videos for it. The video YouTube Kacke - Coldmirror steals Batman's shit house (an edited video by YouTuber Coldmirror ) from HarterStuhligan contributed significantly to the popularity of YouTube shit . This video was favored by Coldmirror itself, which significantly increased its awareness and also the awareness of YouTube-Kacke itself. In Germany, too, there are now numerous YouTubers who specialize in YouTube shit, and countless videos with several million views. Probably the best known and most successful German YouTube Kacke channel is Galileel with over 400,000 subscribers.

Techniques and stylistic devices

There are different techniques and stylistic devices for editing videos. The most common of these are listed below.

Word mixing

Word mixing is probably the most frequently used and also most popular stylistic device of the YouTube poop. Sentences that are not contained in the original are cut together from words, syllables or letters of the original sound. It is particularly important to obscure the meaning of the originally spoken sentence and to create a completely new, mostly opposite, absurd or often obscene statement from it.


Reversing is the process of fast-forwarding and rewinding a particular sentence, word, or syllable. This technology resulted in the fantasy terms “soos”, “saas”, “sees” or “lool”, “laal”, “leel” in the YTK scene. These terms are composed of words that contain “os”, “el” and similar syllables (e.g. “free” or “flour”). The respective term can either be placed directly at the end of the corresponding word (example “free” → “free… soos”) or the corresponding word is completely replaced by the corresponding term (example “flour” → “leel”). Sometimes these terms are simply interspersed without the corresponding word.


Rapes should change the sound and visual material in the most extreme and unpleasant way possible. The Earrapes the audio track will be destroyed, for example by distortion or change in pitch or speed. In the case of eyerapes , the visual image is defaced by z. B. faces are twisted and distorted or the complete picture is displayed in a bright or colorful color scheme through certain filters. Sometimes other objects or people are also inserted into the video.

Audio placement

With audio placement, a different audio track is usually inserted at a certain point, differentiated from the topic or from the video itself. This is where YouTube-Kacke lives up to its name, because farts or similar fecal noises are often used. However, since this is a more or less primitive and infantile humor, this stylistic device is not popular with all YouTube shit fans.

Frequently used material and running gags

In addition to the stylistic devices already mentioned, some personalities and their sentences have developed into running gags and some enjoy a certain cult status among YouTube shit fans. These mostly come from the reality TV sector , such as Dominique Gregori, sometimes just called “Dome”, or Andreas Hoeber from the show Frauentausch . This is often parodied with his quotes like “Stop stop, that's enough!” Or “Everything stays as it is here!”. By far the most, however, is Marcell D'Avis , who appeared for the Internet provider 1 & 1 in television advertisements for a while, ridiculed in the videos. Often quoted here is "[...] and we won't leave until the connection is up.", "DSL modem" or "May I introduce: the 1 & 1 Smartpad". It is not uncommon for these sentences to be torn out of context and changed by the word mixing described above. Other frequently used personalities are e.g. B. Peter Lustig or the songwriter Wolfram Eicke .

Legal situation

Legally speaking, YouTube poop is allowed, or at least a certain gray area. However, many videos or even entire accounts have already been blocked due to alleged copyright violations . Above all, Article 13 and the so-called upload filters , against which numerous YouTubers have protested, make it more and more difficult for potential YouTube poop videos. In response to this, numerous YTK videos were made about Axel Voss , one of the main initiators of Article 13.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d What does "Soos", "Sees", "Lool" or "Saas" mean on YouTube? In: meaning online. April 16, 2018, accessed November 21, 2019 .
  2. ~ Bradevanrosen: YouTube Poop: Meme as Art, Community - by “William A - YLT2012”. In: Yale Law Tech. November 3, 2012, accessed November 21, 2019 .
  3. ^ YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture. 2013, accessed on November 21, 2019 .
  4. YouTube Poop is punk rock for the internet age, and you probably don't get it. March 30, 2019, accessed on August 21, 2020 .
  5. Youtube channel EmpLemon . Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  6. YouTube channel cs188. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  7. ^ "SnowballKiller" (pseudonym): Fresh D visits the Rütli school. In: Youtube. SnowballKiller (channel), October 25, 2008, accessed August 21, 2020 .
  8. "HarterStuhligan" (alias): YouTube poop - Coldmirror steals Batman shithouse. In: Youtube. HarterStuhligan (channel), February 3, 2009, accessed August 21, 2020 .
  9. ^ Youtube-Kacke Wiki. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  10. a b Coldmirror Wiki - Poop. June 22, 2015, accessed August 21, 2020 .
  11. Youtube channel Galileel . Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  12. Stylistic devices of the Youtube Poop. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  13. a b Youtube Poop Wiki, start page. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  14. “Soos”, “sees”, “saas”: What does that mean? In: GIGA . February 6, 2018, accessed November 21, 2019 .
  15. Dominique. Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  16. "Galileel" (pseudonym): YouTube Kacke - Dome in 1 & 1 Kinderland. In: Youtube. Galileel (channel), May 29, 2018, accessed April 6, 2020 .
  17. a b PimarProduction (pseudonym): Youtube Kacke - Andreas at who will be a millionaire. In: Youtube - video platform. PimarProduction (channel), June 12, 2017, accessed April 6, 2020 .
  18. Marcell D'Avis. Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  19. YouTube Kacke collaboration - Wolfram Eicke. March 10, 2019, accessed August 21, 2020 .
  20. Federal Office of Justice: Law on Copyright and Related Rights - (Copyright Law) - § 24 Free use. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  21. Locked Video "In Nuremberg" by Galileel. Accessed August 21, 2020 .
  22. Spiegel: YouTubers want to take to the streets against Article 13. February 14, 2019, accessed August 21, 2020 .
  23. Pulse: That's why so many YouTubers protest against upload filters. February 22, 2019, accessed August 21, 2020 .
  24. YouTube-Kacke Axel Voss, search result YouTube. Accessed August 21, 2020 .