Zacharias Brendel the Elder

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Zacharias Brendel the Elder

Zacharias Brendel the Elder also: Brendelius (born October 20, 1553 in Bürgel , † August 25, 1626 in Artern ) was a German philosopher, physicist, physician and botanist.


Zacharias was a son of the Bürgel master shoemaker Peter Brendel and a brother of the later theologian and Dessau superintendent, Magister Johann Brendel. On October 20, 1563, he began studying philosophical sciences at the University of Jena . Here he received his baccalaureate on December 22, 1564 and became a Master of Philosophy on July 11, 1567. Building on his philosophical studies, he dealt with medical research. For this purpose he went to Italy to Padua , where he was matriculated on August 13, 1580 and obtained his doctorate in medicine in 1581. Returned to Jena, he worked as a city doctor and participated in 1582 with the treatise de Spiritibusat the University of Salina. On July 3, 1583 he became professor of philosophy, in 1588 he took over the professorship of physics and on March 5, 1612 he became professor of medicine and botany.

In his medical tasks, he suggested chemical exercises, began performing the first dissections of corpses in Jena and directed the students' attention to botanical excursions. Students should expand their knowledge of local natural remedies, as well as through inspections at local pharmacies. Brendel also took part in the organizational tasks of the Jena University. In 1596, 1600, 1604, 1607 and 1611 he was dean of the faculty of philosophy, in 1619 as dean and in 1623 as vice dean of the medical faculty. He was also rector of the Alma Mater in the summer semesters 1587, 1603 and 1624 and the winter semesters 1614 and 1618 . As a much sought-after doctor, he went on a business trip in the summer of 1626 to heal Count von Mansfeld . He fell ill himself and died in Artern.


Brendel was married three times. His first marriage was in Jena around 1580 with Elisabeth († April 14, 1596 in Jena), the daughter of Jena mayor Christoph Wex (born November 10, 1525 in Allstedt; † May 29, 1596 in Jena). Then he went on November 15, 1596 with Anna Wildeck (* Zwickau; † 1598 in Jena), the widow of Dr. med. and city physician in Zeitz Hieronymus Klein (* May 4, 1553 in Leipzig; † December 21, 1594 in Zeitz), the daughter of the city physician and councilor in Zwickau Dr. med. Eusebius Wildeck, another marriage. After her death, he married Anna Beinetz in third marriage on August 30, 1599. You know from your children:

  • Mag. Johann Philipp Brendel (born October 31, 1582 in Jena; † November 17, 1615 in Neustadt an der Orla), court and city doctor in Schleiz
  • Zacharias Brendel the Younger , who is also Professor med. in Jena
  • Anna Maria Brendel (born October 30, 1616 in Jena)
  • Maria Brendel, married. January 25, 1608 with Johann Fertsch (Fortsch) Lichtenfels (matriculated WS 1576 from Roslewien)
  • Elisabeth Brendel, married. February 8, 1608 with the school clerk and pastor's son from Eckolstedt Johann Müller
  • Susanne Brendel, married. October 28, 1616 in Schleiz with Mag. Johann Röser, deacon in Neumark near Weimar.

Works (selection)

  • Pro veterum technologia rethorica adversus P. Rami Sectatores brevis. Erfurt 1580 ( online )
  • De vita nobilis et magnifici viri Ioannis Schroteri. Jena 1592 ( online )
  • Annota in libellum Philippi Melanchthonis de anima. Jena 1598
  • Primitiæ Medicæ seu prolegomena in Libellum Galeni de constitutione artis Medicæ. Jena 1614
  • Medicinae Arti Addictis Studiosis In Salana Iuvenibus Atque Adolescentibus. 1621


  • Johann Caspar Zeumer, Christof Weissenborn: Vitae Professorum Theologiae, Jurisprudentiae, Medicinae et Philosophiae qui in illustri Academia Jenensi, ab ipsius fundatione ad nostra usque tempora vixerunt et adhuc vivunt una cum scriptis a quolibet editis quatuor classibus. Johann Felici Bieleck, Jena, 1711, part III, p. 28
  • Brendel (Zacharias). In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 4, Leipzig 1733, column 1248.
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : * General scholarly lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, after their birth, life, remarkable stories , Dying and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch , Leipzig, 1750, Vol. 1, Sp. 1362
  • August Hirsch : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna & Leipzig, 1884, p. 567

Individual evidence

  1. (* June 29, 1544 in Bürgel; † June 12, 1620 in Dessau), 1567 Rev. Thalbürgel, 1570 Rev. Adj. Gladitz, 1571 OPfr. u. Sup. St. Benedikt Quedlinburg, 1578 OPfr. and Sup. St. Marien Dessau (cf. parish book of the ecclesiastical province of Saxony. Vol. 2, p. 47)
  2. Reinold Jauering: The register of the University of Jena. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1944, vol. 1, p. 33 u. 564
  3. Matricula Nationis Germanicae Artistarum in Gymnasio Patavino (1553-1721), ed. by Lucia Rossetti, Padova 1986, p. 49, no. 415.
  4. Hans Apel: Jena's inhabitants from the time from 1250 to 1600. CA Starke, Görlitz, 1937