Ten thousand (game)

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Ten thousand points - proven (i.e. 10,050 points)

Ten Thousand is a free dice game played with five or six dice . The game is known in several variants and by different names. In literature, media and commercial products, it is also called Macke , Berlin Macke , Volle Lotte , connection , Tutto , way , zilch , Farkle or Michel said ... called. Also known as Manolo in Switzerland . The game is available under the name “Chicago” as shareware for Mac OS X and as freeware for Windows .

Here the simplest set of rules is shown with five dice. Depending on your needs, rules from "Other rule variants" can be added to supplement the simple set of rules or to replace rules from this.

Simple set of rules

Ten Thousand is played with at least two players. The players take turns rolling the dice. The ones and fives are counted, whereby the one corresponds to 100 points and the five corresponds to 50 points. The dice are rolled until the player declares his round over or he has not thrown a one or five. The player must put at least a one or a five aside with each throw. If he has taken all of the dice out of the dice cup and wants to continue rolling, he can put all of them back into the cup (his points are calculated further), which is called a connection in some players' circles . He can do this until he has not rolled a one or a five (in which case he loses all points rolled in this round) or until his round is declared over (points rolled during the round are credited to him). Points are written down and added up. The winner is the one who first reaches at least 10,000 points.

Furthermore, threesomes and four- packs are counted as points, but these must be proven with a one or a five .


  • A player rolls a five, a three and a six three times. The three fives are counted to 500 points, which he must prove by means of another throw .

Points are considered proven if the player has rolled an additional one or five. A double can be followed by another double, for example if all the dice had to be put back into the cup. Every double must be proven. If the double was not proven, all points are lost. If a player has thrown more than ten thousand points, it is still possible for the other players to overtake him, provided they were in sequence and not in front of him. In this case each subsequent player may roll the dice again.

Point table

Dark-colored boxes form the points of the simple set of rules, all other listed points correspond to the extended rules from "Other rule variants".

Road are 1000 points

Probability of exactly the same figures with dice cubes: .

Part of the throw result Number of points Points (doubling rule) Six die probability
5 50 50
1 100 100
2.2.2 200 200
3,3,3 300 300
4,4,4 400 400
5.5.5 500 500
6.6.6 600 600
1,1,1 1000 1000 2000 400
3,3,3,3 3000 600
4,4,4,4 4000 800
5,5,5,5 5000 1000
6,6,6,6 6000 1200
1,1,1,1 10,000 2000
1,1,1,1,1 - 4000
2,2,2,2,2 - 800
2,2,2,2,2,2 - 1600
1,2,3,4,5,6 1000 3000

Further rule variants

Ten Thousand Backwards is another variation of this dice game. The five (sometimes also six) dice are rolled in turn and each player takes out all fives and ones and leaves his successor fewer dice. If you are the first in the round to not roll a one or a five or any other combination (see table above), you receive the number on display as minus points. With this variant, Pasche does not have to be confirmed and additional points count: small or large straight (1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6) = 1000 points; three pairs = 1500 points. Whoever reaches 10,000 first is the loser.

Straight: with a throw of 1,2,3,4,5,6 equals 1000 or 1250 points.

Full House (with 5 dice): If you play with five dice and the player rolls three of the same and two of the same: eg 3,3,3 and 1,1 - or - 5,5,5 and 2,2 etc. this is the result the corresponding points "as if" he had thrown three of the same twice. In the examples above these are: 3,3,3 and 1,1 = (three times three =) 300 + (three times one) 1000 = 1300 points - or - 5.5.5 and 2.2 = (three times five =) 500 + (triple two) 200 = 700 points etc.

Minus points: if a player has no usable points on the first throw (no 1, no 5, no doubles / straights), 1000 minus points are written to him.

Nix: (the opposite of minus) if a player does not roll any points in his first throw, he receives 1000 points, but is then no longer allowed to roll the dice.

Knocking: if the dice are on top of each other (house / turret built) or if a dice is inclined (burning), the player may optionally (instead of repeating the throw) knock / hit the table once. If all of the dice are not next to each other on the table, the throw must be repeated. Variation: Whoever knocks may not repeat the throw if the knock was unsuccessful. Another variant: Repeating the throw when building a house or burning is not possible. Instead, you may only knock once.

Building a house (or turret): if the dice come to lie on top of each other, the roll must be repeated. The same applies to “burning” when a cube is lying on the edge somewhere or has fallen off the table. If a player builds houses with three throws in a row or lets them burn, he must sit out and lose all points achieved in the round.

Help / delete: if a house was built (dice are stacked) or if a dice “burns” (slanted), the player may not knock himself. But he can wait to see if another player does this for him. Were z. If, for example, three 1s are thrown (= 1000 points) and one of the 1s dice “burns”, the player must hope that the other players are well-disposed to him and knock for him. If none of the players is willing to knock, the throw must be repeated.

Double: if more than three identical eyes are thrown in a double, the double doubles with each additional die: 222 = 200, 2222 = 200 * 2 = 400, 1111 = 2000, since 111 yes = 1000, 66666 = (600 * 2 ) * 2 = 2400. (See doubling rule in the table)

Supplement: (doubling over several throws) If a player rolls a threesome and a matching number in the next throw, the points for the threesome are doubled. Example: 1st throw: 3,3,3 = 300 points in the second throw an additional 3 is rolled: 3,3,3 +3 = 300 points times 2 = 600 points. This also works with other matching numbers: 5.5.5 = 500 +5 +5 +5 times 2 = 1000 times 2 = 2000 times 2 = 4000

Confirmation: if all six dice are usable in a throw (also for example with the street or a combination like 1,1,3,3,3,5 = 550), the throw must be confirmed by another, with at least 50 points can be achieved. The “proof” listed above is then completely omitted.

Increase: each player has to keep rolling the dice until he has more points than the previous player on his last round or until he has to stop because he has no usable eyes.

Spin fives: are u in one throw. a. two fives (5.5 = 100) can, but do not have to be, converted to a one (1 = 100), which means that the player has one more die if he rolls another dice without losing points which increases the possibility of a double. In the case of a throw that has all the remaining dice in the rating (for example 3,3,3,1,5,5 = 500), this makes no sense, since you would have to continue playing with a single dice when you would have to continue without Spin could continue with all six dice.

3x2: if a player rolls three doubles in one throw, he receives 1000 points and may continue to roll: 2,2,4,4,6,6

Pyramid: if a player rolls a pyramid of numbers (for example 1,2,2,3,3,3) in one roll, he receives 1000 points.

Stricter : Pasche do not have to be proven. For this, at least 350 points must be credited and a maximum of two dice may remain when counting, otherwise the dice must be rolled until both conditions are met.

Take over: If a player does not want to venture any further and writes down his result, the following player can take over his points / dice. Example: Player 1 rolls 3x5 = 500 points and a two and a four, so player 2 can take over the two and the four and roll again. If he rolls a one or a five with these, he has 600 or 550 points accordingly. If he doesn't roll anything, he has lost everything. This is very interesting given the high results of the predecessor.

Boomerang: This variation changes the course of the game both in the length of the game and in strategy. Players must first get 10,000 points or more. From then on, the game is played "backwards", and whoever gets below zero first wins.

Six doubles: If a player rolls the same number of dice with all six dice, he wins immediately and unconditionally. However, statistically this happens very rarely.

Roll the dice 3 times : In general, the dice are only rolled three times in a row. Each time the dice that are counted for the points are taken out.

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