Zeno Bucher

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Zeno Bucher (born December 26, 1907 in Wolhusen ; † August 23, 1984 ) was a Swiss philosopher .


Zeno Bucher made his profession in the Archabbey of Sankt Ottilien on October 11, 1930 and was ordained a priest on October 11, 1934. Studied philosophy at the Papal Athenaeum S. Anselmo in Rome. Doctorate in philosophy with the dissertation "The problem of matter in modern atomic physics". Studied theology at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. Studied natural sciences at the University of Friborg (Switzerland). Since 1936 lecturer at the Philosophical University of St. Otilien, from 1947 professor and rector. From 1948 to 1960 he taught at the Philosophical Academy in Sankt Ottilien, from 1961 to 1971 as a professorfor natural philosophy at the Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo. 1962 appointment as full professor. 1967 to 1971 Dean of the Philosophical Faculty. 1971 to 1978 professor for Christian metaphysics and natural philosophy at the University of Salzburg , co-editor of the "Salzburg Yearbook for Philosophy" and the "Salzburg Studies in Philosophy". President of the Philosophical Institute of Papal Law of the Faculty of Theology. Member of the Bavarian Benedictine Academy.

Fonts (selection)

  • The inner world of the atoms. The results of atomic physics processed in a natural-philosophical way . Donauwoerth 1949, OCLC 215080252 .
  • The creative of nature as continuous creation. Inaugural lecture held on January 28, 1972 at the University of Salzburg . Salzburg 1973, OCLC 164212276 .
  • Nature, matter, cosmos. A general natural philosophy . Sankt Ottilien 1983, ISBN 3-88096-174-3 .
  • Günther Witzany as editor: The descent of man as a natural-philosophical problem . Würzburg 1992, ISBN 3-88479-721-2 .
