Central diabetes register of the GDR

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The Central Diabetes Register of the GDR was a database for the epidemiological recording of cases of diabetes mellitus in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). It was created in 1960 and contained data on the age, gender, type of diabetes and treatment method of diabetes patients in the GDR in order to record the number of diabetics and new arrivals. The basis of the data collection was a legal obligation to report as well as the nationwide dispensary care of diabetics in the GDR in specialized care centers. The degree of completeness of the register was estimated at around 98 percent. Because of this and because it has been running for almost three decades, it is regarded as a globally unique data source on the development of the incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus in a closed population .

The data collected were published annually in the GDR Health System Yearbook and in scientific publications . Data holder of the register was in Karlsburg -based Central Institute of Diabetes , which until the political changes in the GDR served as guide for the care of diabetes patients in the entire GDR. The Robert Koch Institute has been responsible for data management since the register was discontinued in 1989 . The underlying medical files are kept in the archive of the Karlsburg Clinic , one of the successor facilities of the Central Institute.

For cancer , the GDR's National Cancer Register existed from 1953 to 1989 , which, in contrast to the Central Diabetes Register, was continued after 1990 as the joint cancer register of the states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt and the Free States of Saxony and Thuringia .


  • Dietrich Michaelis, Erich Jutzi, Günther Albrecht: Prevalence and Incidence Trends of Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) in the Population of the GDR. In: German journal for digestive and metabolic diseases. 47/1987. Johann Ambrosius Barth Leipzig, pp. 301-310, ISSN  0012-1053
  • Dietrich Michaelis, Erich Jutzi: Trends in Mortality Rates in the Diabetic Population of the GDR. In: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology. 95/1990. Johann Ambrosius Barth Leipzig, pp. 83-90, ISSN  0232-7384
  • Dietrich Michaelis, Erich Jutzi: epidemiology of diabetes mellitus in the population of the former GDR. Age- and gender-specific incidence and prevalence trends in the period 1960–1987. In: Journal of Clinical Medicine. 46/1991. Verlag Volk und Gesundheit Berlin, pp. 59-64, ISSN  0233-1608
  • Dietrich Michaelis, Erich Jutzi, Lutz Vogt: Epidemiology of Insulin-Treated Diabetes mellitus in the East-German Population: Differences in Long-Term Trends Between Incidence and Prevalence Rates. In: Diabète & Métabolisme. 19/1993. Masson Paris, pp. 110-115, ISSN  0338-1684
  • Karl-Ernst Biebler, Bernd Jäger, Christian Salomé: Epidemiology of Diabetes mellitus - a Markov Chain Approach. Series: Biometrics and Medical Informatics - Greifswald seminar reports. Issue 3. GinkgoPark Mediengesellschaft, Gützkow 1997, ISBN 3-9804189-6-0

Individual evidence

  1. Karl-Ernst Biebler, Bernd Jäger: Biometric and epidemiological methods. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 3-486-58511-8 , p. 368
  2. Eckart Galas: Health Insurance and Diabetes Mellitus: Concepts for Improving the Care of Diabetics. Series: Insurance Science in Hanover. Volume 12. VVW, Karlsruhe 2000, ISBN 3-88487-856-5 , pp. 12/13
  3. Data source: Central Diabetes Register of the former GDR ( Memento from December 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) In: The information system for federal health reporting (accessed on October 25, 2009)