Central Commission for Sport and Personal Care

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The Central Commission for Sport and Personal Care was an umbrella organization for workers' sports in Germany . It was founded on November 17, 1912. The purpose was the "systematic agitation against the bourgeois associations of the same kind". From 1921, the Central Commission sought the organizational merger to form a unitary association. However, until the end of the Weimar Republic, not all workers' sports associations joined. In order to express its goal, it nevertheless renamed itself on December 14, 1922 to the Central Commission for Workers' Sport and Personal Care .

From October 18, 1921, the commission published the weekly German workers' sports newspaper, which appeared as a monthly magazine from January 15, 1928 under the name Sportpolitische Rundschau .

On May 12, 1933, the Central Commission dissolved itself after increasing pressure from the National Socialist government .

The most important functionary was Fritz Wildung , managing director throughout its existence and editor of the Sportpolitische Rundschau . Fritz Wildung was the father of the SPD politician Annemarie Renger .

Affiliated associations

In 1931 the Central Commission comprised eleven associations with over 17,000 clubs and 1.3 million members:

Surname societies Members
Workers' gymnastics and sports association 6,886 738.048
Workers' Cyclists Association "Solidarity" 4,951 320,000
Tourist Association "The Friends of Nature" 1.010 87,575
Workers 'Athletes' Association of Germany 1,206 63,316
Workers Samaritan Association 1,209 42,757
Association "Public Health" 112 15,393
German Workers Chess Federation 460 12,850
Workers' bowling association 835 8,216
Workers 'Anglers' Association 142 6,500
German Workers' Protection Association 412 5,579
Free sailing association 37 2,100
total 17,260 1,302,334


  • Hans Joachim Teichler , Gerhard Hauk (Hrsg.): Illustrated history of workers' sport. Dietz, Berlin, Bonn 1987, ISBN 3-8012-0127-9 .
  • Arnd Krüger : The German way of worker sports . In: Arnd Krüger, James Riordan (Ed.): The Story of Worker Sport. Human Kinetics, Champaign IL 1996, pp. 1-25. ISBN 0-87322-874-X .
  • Oliver Kersten: The Friends of Nature movement in the Berlin-Brandenburg region 1908–1989 / 90. Continuities and breaks. Dissertation. Free University of Berlin 2004. Leisure and hiking, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-925311-31-4 , esp. Pp. 41 f., 89–94, 191–193, 271–291.
  • Carl Diem (Ed.): Yearbook of physical exercises 1931. Yearbook for popular and youth games. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Berlin 1931.