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Zeruph (צירוף) is a method of Jewish hermeneutics , among others such as Gematria , Temura and Notarikon .

Word meaning

Zeruph, Hebrew: צרוף is derived from the Hebrew verb צרף (pronounced: Tsaraph), which means on the one hand "cleanse, purify", on the other hand "add, put together". It is the verbal noun , ie “purification” or “joining”.

In Greek this process is called τὸ ἀναγραμματισμός or ἀνακύκλοσις, Latin revolutio, i.e. upheaval.

The procedure

In Zeruph you write all possible permutations without repeating a word under each other. The aim is to come to a New Word that explains the original word.


  • חלק - the part, lot, fraction etc. unit of time.
  • לקח - take; Lesson

The whole thing is also shown in a circle. The individual words, which each have a different word image number but the same numerical value, are the Havioth, (הואת) = Greek: οὐσίαι, i.e. ways of being of a word. It can be assumed that the verb “take” is etymologically related to the word “part”. This is the metathesis .

Individual evidence

  1. Langenscheidt's Concise Dictionary Hebrew-German, p. 490


  • Oaknin, Symbols of Judaism, Munich; 1995
  • Dornseiff: The alphabet in mysticism and magic; Leipzig 1925
  • Jewish Encyclopedy