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Ziba is a biblical name that appears in the 2nd book of Samuel . Ziba was a servant of Saul and later a servant of Saul's grandson Mefi-Boscheth .


The meaning of the Hebrew personal name צִיבָא ṣîvā ' ( 2 Sam 9,2  EU ) is insecure. Hans Rechenmacher suggests, derived from Middle Hebrew צִיב ṣîv the translation "twig, fiber" and assigns the name to the plant name.

The Septuagint gives the name as ancient Greek Σιβα Siba , and the Vulgate as Siba .

Mention in the Bible

Ziba is mentioned in three places. In 2 Sam 9.1  EU , David was looking for survivors of Saul's family because of his friendship with Jonathan . The name Ziba was first mentioned in verse 2 as a servant of the house of Saul. He was called to David and told him about Mefi-Boscheth, Jonathan's son. David had Mefi-Boscheth brought to the royal court and gave him Saul's estate. Ziba was commissioned to cultivate his land with his sons and servants (cf. 2 Sam 9,10  EU ).

In 2 Sam 16  EU , when David fled Jerusalem after Absalom's conspiracy, Ziba came to David with supplies and claimed that Mefi-Boscheth had broken faith in David. Thereupon David Mefi-Boschets transferred all property to him.

Finally, Mefi-Boscheth tells David in 2 Sam 19  EU , when David returned to Jerusalem after the suppression of the uprising, that Ziba had betrayed him and slandered him with the king. The king orders that both should share the land in the future.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Rechenmacher : Old Hebrew names , Münster 2012, p. 172.
  2. See David's oath with Jonathan in 1 Sam 20,14ff  EU .