Zijad Klopić

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Zijad "Zike" Klopić (born September 2, 1967 in Gradačac , Yugoslavia , now Bosnia and Herzegovina ) is a Bosnian turbo folk singer and producer.


Zijad Klopić was born in Gradačac and grew up in simple circumstances. After completing an apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer, he dedicated himself to music and has been a musician since the late 1980s. He recorded his first official studio album in 1996 under the title "Tuzan si zivote". The album "Posljednje suze" followed in 2000, "Gorimo od ljubavi" in 2002 and "Grade moj" in 2005. His latest album was released at the end of 2007 under the title "Plus i minus".

Other well-known songs: "Majcine suze" ("Mother's tears"), "Idi, idi" ("Go, go"), "Otrov u zeni" ("The poison in women"), "Sto me prevari" (" Why did she cheat on me? ")," Led "(" ice cream ")


  • 1996: Tuzan si zivote ("Life, you are sad")
  • 2000: Posljednje suze ("The last tears")
  • 2002: Gorimo od ljubavi ("We burn with love")
  • 2005: Grade moj ("My City")
  • 2007: Plus i minus ("Plus and Minus")


Klopić is married, lives in Austria and Salzburg and is a staunch non-voter. In addition to Bosnian, he speaks fluent German.

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