Cistercian monastery Pra'd Mill

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The Cistercian monastery Pra'd Mill since 1995 (1998), a monastery of Cistercian in Bagnolo Piemonte , province of Cuneo , Roman Catholic Diocese of Saluzzo in Italy.


The foundation of the monastery goes back to the Countess Leletta d'Isola (actually: Aurelia Oreglia d'Isola, 1926-1993), who together with her brother Aimaro Oreglia d'Isola (* 1928) the property (with Annunciation Chapel and mansion) to And had provided the name Dominus tecum (“The Lord be with you!”, Part of the Ave Maria ) since 1979 . The settlement by monks of Lérins Abbey was the result of contacts established in 1984 between Leletta, who at the same time founded the Mater Misericordiae Carmelite convent in Quart , and Father Cesare Falletti, who founded the community in 1995 with a few confreres, which was canonically established in 1998 and became a priory in 2009 was raised. The modern buildings are the work of the architect Maurizio Momo. Today the lonely monastery is inhabited by 16 monks who make their living mainly by making jam. The convent carries out the beatification of Lelettas .


  • 1995–2009: Cesare Falletti, Upper
  • 2009–2015: Cesare Falletti, Prior
  • 2015–: Emanuele Marignano, Prior

Inscription establishing

(The key stay at the site leading to the final foundation was the occasion for a chance opening of the Bible, which led to the following excerpt from the Revelation of John :) “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away, and the sea is no more either. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven; she was ready like a bride adorned for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice calling from the throne: Look, God's dwelling among men! He will dwell in their midst, and they will be his people; and he, God, will be with them ”. [Comment from the monastery:] “The Monastero Dominus Tecum è nato dalla lettura di questo passo dell'Apocalisse [21.1–6] per essere una dimora di Dio con gli uomini. Luogo d'incontro, nascosto e silenzioso, fra Dio e l'uomo, come lo è il seno della Vergine Maria dopo l'Annunciazione: Il Signore è con te. Luogo del canto nuziale fra Cristo e la Chiesa sua sposa, eco del Magnificat e dell'Alleluia delle sheia dei Beati che cantano la vittoria dell'Agnello. " ( The Dominus Tecum monastery emerged from reading section 21, 1-6 of the Book of Revelation to be God's dwelling place among men. Hidden and silent place of encounter between God and man, just like the body of the Virgin Mary after the Annunciation: The Lord is with you. Place of the bride's song between Christ and the Church, echo of the Magnificat and the Alleluia of the heavenly hosts, who praise and extol the victory of the Lamb .)


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Coordinates: 44 ° 44 '4.9 "  N , 7 ° 15' 10.4"  E