Zweimen (noble family)

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Coat of arms of those von Zwehmen in Siebmacher's coat of arms book (1605)

The von Zweimen family was an old knightly, Saxon-Meißnisches ministerial family who named themselves after the Zweimen castle , east of Merseburg .


The family was also spelled Zcweym, Zweymer, Zwemen, Zwärmer, Zweimen, Zweme, Zweime, Szweyne, Sweym, Swym, Swein (e). For the first time a Heinricus de Zwein, miles 1261 and the same Hinrici de Zweym 1263 are mentioned in a Weißenfels document. Next are: 1284 Henricus de zweyme in the act of Theodoric of Landsberg, 1286 Ulricus de Zweyme in the charter of the Count Palatine Friedrich, 1287 Ulricus de Zwegeme . The " von Pack " family is related to them, because in 1454 Blessing and Jurge pack Gebruder and Hans von Zcweym ir Ohme with the village of Mertzsch (Möritzsch). In 1691 Melchior Christoph Herzoglich Weissenfels colonel was Lieutenant and Cammerjunker and in 1736 Christoph von Zweymar was Saxon Chamberlain. The von Zweimen family died out at the end of the 18th century.

His goods were among others in: Weckwitz, Günthersdorf , Kötschlitz , Probst-Deuben, Dölzig, Witzscherdorf, Körbisdorf, Wesmar, Schladebach , Zschörnitz, Cröbern , Quirle (in the Vogtland).

In the church of Zöschen there is a tombstone of a Herr von Zweymen.


  • Heinricus de Zweymen , 1280 as Canon of Meißen and margravial protonotary, provost of Meissen

coat of arms

The shield shows a white diagonal bar of three upwardly laid green linden leaves on red. On the helmet there is a red round disk or umbrella board, which is covered with the leaves 2: 1 and topped with nine green cock feathers like a fan. The blankets are white and red.

The von Kotschen family , which is related to the coat of arms , and von Kötschau as well , had a silver diagonal bar covered with three green linden leaves in the red shield. The helmet is crowned and equipped with 10 black cock feathers. The helmet covers are silver and red. A tribal relationship is not yet proven.


  • Heinicke and Georg Schmidt: Zur Geschichte der Zweimen , in: Familiengeschichtliche Blätter 10, 1912, pp. 44–47
  • Otto Küstermann : Zweymen , In: Altgeographische Streifzüge durch das Hochstift Merseburg, pp. 141–143

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