Twenty two (game)

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Twenty-two is a simple dice game with a single dice and a dice cup for any number of players. A variant of the game is fifteen , which differs from twenty-two by a different target value.

Style of play

Twenty-two is played with a single dice and dice cup.

The game is played in turn. Each player may roll until the total eyes of his throws, the sum reached by 22 points or above. Players who come over 22 are eliminated. The winner is the player who reaches 22 or is the next to reach it. As a tightening rule, players who choose a fourth throw are required to make a fifth.

In variant fifteen , the same rules apply as in variant twenty-two , but the total of 15 points must be achieved.

Makao works on the same principle, but you cannot exceed the sum of nine here.

supporting documents

  1. a b c "Twenty-two" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 402.
  2. ^ A b "Fifteen" In: Robert E. Lembke : The large house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; P. 244.


  • "Twenty-two" In: Erhard Gorys : The Book of Games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 402.
  • "Fifteen" In: Robert E. Lembke : The great house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; P. 244.