Wyoming dwarf mummy

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Photography and x-ray of the mummy

The dwarf mummy of Wyoming (called Pedro , after the place where it was found) is a small mummified corpse , only about 40 centimeters tall , which was found in October 1932 by the gold diggers Cecil Main and Frank Carr in a cave in the Pedro Mountains in Wyoming .

The dwarf mummy was found in a sitting position (18 cm high) with arms crossed. The skull was smashed. The Wyoming mummy was examined by Harry Shapiro using X-rays and, according to his analyzes, is said to have been a woman who died at the age of 65. The Wyoming dwarf mummy was acquired by the American businessman T. Goodman and brought to New York , where it is said to have been stolen shortly before his death.

To date, this mummy has not reappeared. However, the X-rays and photographs made by Harry Shapiro still exist .

See also


  • Michael Schneider: Traces of the Unknown. Cryptozoology. Monsters, Myths and Legends. M. Schneider, Neuhof 2002, ISBN 3-8311-4596-2 , (BOD).