Luigi Vanvitelli

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Portrait of Luigi Vanvitelli by Giacinto Diano in the Palace of Caserta

Luigi Vanvitelli (born May 12, 1700 in Naples , † March 1, 1773 in Caserta ) was an Italian architect.


Vanvitelli came from a family of artists from Amersfoort in the Netherlands . The original family name van Wittel was Italianized to Vanvitelli. His father Gaspar van Wittel emigrated to Rome in 1674 and worked there as a painter until 1736. In the 1730s he also worked in Ancona , where he worked at the Lazzaretto ( hospital , Laemocomium or Mole Vanvitelliana), the Arch of Trajan , the Chiesa del Gesù and the Cathedral of San Ciriaco .

Following in his father's footsteps, Vanvitelli began his career as a fresco painter , then switched to architecture and eventually became one of the most important Italian architects of the period between Baroque and Classicism . He was a student of Filippo Juvarra and studied the writings of Vitruvius and the buildings from classical antiquity . Vanvitelli's son Carlo (1739-1821) continued his father's work at the Royal Palace of Caserta.


His most important work is the Palace of Caserta . Other noteworthy buildings are:


Web links

Commons : Luigi Vanvitelli  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The Little Encyclopedia . Volume 2. Encyclios-Verlag, Zurich 1950, p. 825.
  2. a b c Enciclopedie on line
  3. Peter Anselm Riedl , Max Seidel (ed.): The churches of Siena. Volume 1.1 (Abbadia all'Arco – S. Biagio), Bruckmann Verlag , Munich 1985, ISBN 3-7654-1941-9