Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego

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POL znp 002.JPG

The Polish Teachers' Union (ZNP) is the union of Polish teachers with 327,000 members.


On October 1, 1905, the Association of Folk Teachers ( Związek Nauczycieli Ludowych ) was founded at a teachers' congress in Pilaszkowa , which was soon joined by 1,000 teachers. Whoever wanted to join had to commit to teaching the Polish language and the children in the Polish spirit (in a tripartite Poland). As a result, the ZNL was subjected to reprisals from the powers that had divided Poland among themselves. Some lost their jobs. Some had to flee to Galicia .

On December 9, 1905, a second teachers 'organization was created under the name Polski Związek Nauczycielski (PZN, Polish Teachers' Association ), which took in the persecuted ZNL members. On the same day, the Stowarzyszenie Nauczycielstwa Polskiego ( Society of Polish Teachers' Union , SNP), which mainly brought together teachers from private secondary schools.

On December 28, 1905, the Krajowy Związek Nauczycielstwa Ludowego in Galicia ( National Association of People's Teachers) was created in Krakow , uniting teachers who taught in various types of schools in the areas conquered by Austria .

January 2, 1917 - PZN and SNP merge to form Zrzeszenie Nauczycielstwa Polskiego.

June 1917 - the "Głos Nauczycielski" (literally the teacher's voice ) appears for the first time as the organ of the Zrzeszenie Nauczycielstwa Polskiego, today the ZNP.

December 28, 1918 - at the meeting of teachers from Wielkopolska and Pomerania in Poznan , the association Związek Dzielnicowy Stowarzyszeń Nauczycieli Polaków is founded in the areas occupied by Prussia with its seat in Poznan.

In January 1919 - the Union of Polish Middle School Teachers was established ( Związek Zawodowy Nauczycielstwa Polskich Szkół Średnich , ZZNPSŚ).

In April 1919 - the Association of Polish Teachers in General Schools ( Związek Polskiego Nauczycielstwa Szkół Powszechnych , ZPNSP) was created from the merger of Zrzeszenie Nauczycielstwa Polskich Szkół Początkowych and Związek Nauczycielstwa in Galicia. The ZPNSP took leftist views.

In January 1921 - creates the Society of Christian-national teachers of public schools ( Stowarzyszenie Chrześcijańsko-Narodowe Nauczycielstwa Szkół Powszechnych , SCNNSP) from the merger of Związek Dzielnicowy Stowarzyszeń Nauczycieli Polaków in Poznan, Polskie Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne in Lvov , Polskie Towarzystwo Nauczycielstwa Lwowskiego and Związek Nauczycielek in Przemyśl . She held national and ND views.

In July 1930, a joint congress with ZZNPSŚ and ZPNSP took place in Cracow , where they united to form the Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego, which still exists today. In 1935 the statute of the ZNP was passed.

1936 - The ZNP magazine published by Wanda Wasilewska praises the Soviet Union , which triggers a sharp reaction from the top of the association.

During the Second World War, like all Polish organizations, the ZNP was banned by the German occupiers .

From October 1939, the ZNP operated underground under the name Tajna Organizacja Nauczycielska (TON, Secret Teachers' Association ) , where it organized illegal training courses at risk of death until the end of the war.

On March 28, 1945, the ZNP district chairmen decided at a conference to continue the ZNP work.

With the proclamation of martial law on December 13, 1981, all unions are again banned.

On August 5, 1983, the ZNP statute was registered with the Voivodship Court in Warsaw and the ZNP continued its work.


  • Sławomir Broniarz - chairman
  • Krzysztof Baszczyński - Vice Chairman
  • Jarosław Czarnowski - vice chairman

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. according to the homepage