Intermediate vocals

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Intermediate chant is the popular name in the Roman Catholic liturgy for the alternating chants between the readings and the Gospel in Holy Mass . It is sung in the liturgical service alternating between cantor and people or by the choral schola .

One calls an intermediate song

The liturgical provisions state that both the answering psalm with its antiphon and the call to the Gospel represent essential parts of the liturgical service. The answer psalm should be taken from the lectionary and preferably sung. The response psalm is of great liturgical and pastoral importance because it promotes contemplation of the word of God. In many German-speaking congregations, due to a very broad provision in the celebration of the congregational mass, the earlier practice of singing a song from the praise of God between the scriptures as an interlude .

Individual evidence

  1. General Introduction to the Roman Missal , 17 and 36 to 40
  2. ^ Basic Order of the Roman Missal , 61 to 63
  3. In an emergency, the response psalm may be replaced by another suitable chant. , see Celebration of the Congregational Mass , 43

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